bodhi seeds

Pics aren't the greatest this camera doesn't like the low light. Should have got out the good one but Oh wells put the plants back before I noticed the pics were shit :). You can see the structure and the ridiculous leaf size of this Blue Tara.

I think they stopped stretching finally which is great because I got another inch on my ratchet hangers. Was thinking I was going to have to take them off to get the extra few inches lol.

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Bunch of new Bodhi on the 'Tude.
Too bad the 'tude has had such (IMO) garbage promos lately. For seedsman's september promo if you buy two packs of bodhi you would end up getting a much better deal, I think, including 5 Goji OG, which I would rather have over almost any number of tCC seeds. Other than their tahoe, which I would actually run, but its a little overplayed in the breeding scene right now.

I do think that the Sweet Skunk crosses are being kind of slept on, and now they are at both seedsman and attitude. For people who like the more sativa side of the cannabis spectrum and don't mind stretchy but extremely trainable plants (with killer yields when grown even halfway right) should consider giving either Strange Brew or Elphinstone a try, especially if you like the citrus flavors.
Too bad the 'tude has had such (IMO) garbage promos lately. For seedsman's september promo if you buy two packs of bodhi you would end up getting a much better deal, I think, including 5 Goji OG, which I would rather have over almost any number of tCC seeds. Other than their tahoe, which I would actually run, but its a little overplayed in the breeding scene right now.

I do think that the Sweet Skunk crosses are being kind of slept on, and now they are at both seedsman and attitude. For people who like the more sativa side of the cannabis spectrum and don't mind stretchy but extremely trainable plants (with killer yields when grown even halfway right) should consider giving either Strange Brew or Elphinstone a try, especially if you like the citrus flavors.

Yea if it wasn't for all the gear I wanna test I'd go beansman. I really want wish mountain and elfinstone. Plus the OTM and Goji freebies are oh so attractive
I just got 2 girls out of 3 Solos Stash, 2 clones of each. Sexed the moms on the back deck. Also got one out of two Phantom Cookies, and 2 out of two Chuckys Bride. Alas, 2 0f 2 Fat Grape Cheese were Martys instead of Marthas. Still, 6 girls to raise w/ the help of that big yellow ball in the sky.

I'd just like to correct the previous post. One of the Fat Grape Cheese is, in fact, a late indicating Martha, and was discovered before the 2 babies were tossed.

Happiness is sure to follow. :weed::weed:
Hot damn the head spins with all this useful Bodhi info going around lately. Why did I ever stop frequenting this thread?
So, you're saying that Amos is a cop, you have first hand knowledge of this, but you have better things to do than to fill in the rest of us??

If this is true, that makes you no better than the person you're accusing. You'd let fellow growers get fucked over by a pig because you can't be bothered? Fuck that. If I found out that a member here was LEO I'd drop that info for everyone to see no matter what.

I'm awaiting the intel........

Mod specifically asked not to be mentioned by name as Amos Cheer buddies would turn it into a shit show. MY first hand "knowledge" comes from a moderator whom I have been friends with a long time. Traded stock and whatnot many times. All I know is he gave me a heads up about Beyonce/Amos.

I'm "legal" 100% and I'm not really too worried. I gave the warning that I received. No more, no less.

Do with it what you will. BUT if you're in a non legal state....... Might wanna be wary of dude.

PS.....AMOS asked for me to post specific thread responses from months back where others said he was a cop...... YEAH... I CAN'T BE BOTHERED to dig threw months of threads for that shit. Sorry. There's elbows that need trimming and a new boat that's DYING to get on the lake. Plus I have a 3rd flower room I'm setting up (expansion! always expansion!)

Ignore what I said. He's not a cop. Whatever. No skin off my sack.
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If you guys ever wanna talk about B strains lemme know. Just took 8 new Bodhi strains down I hadn't tried. GOLD I tell ya!

PS: Ask yourself why the dude who hasn't had anything good to say about this gear stalks this thread the way he does. A very popular thread.....hmmmmmmm......Gathering all the intel he can is my guess.....

oink oink oink.
If you guys ever wanna talk about B strains lemme know. Just took 8 new Bodhi strains down I hadn't tried. GOLD I tell ya!

PS: Ask yourself why the dude who hasn't had anything good to say about this gear stalks this thread the way he does. A very popular thread.....hmmmmmmm......Gathering all the intel he can is my guess.....

oink oink oink.

I find this all very hard to believe, but stranger things have happened I guess.

So the question now is, why would a MOD with knowledge that one of the members is a cop not out that person, and continue to let them post????

If the RIU brass is worried about a shit storm, they'll have a huge one on their hands if word gets out that cops frequent this forum and the powers that be let it happen. Even though I'm 100% legal, I sure as fuck don't want to be participating in a forum that allows cops to troll for unsuspecting victims.

Any RIU mods wanna chime in here??? SMH
This is the stupidest thing I have ever heard, if a mod is not banning a known cop they are putting everyone on the site at risk. Period. It would be one of those most heartless irresponsible things they could do.

Maybe he reads this thread for the same reason I do, and many others I bet, it's one of the few threads without little shits stirring shit up for fun.

And why the fuck would anyone stand up for a cop? seriously explain that bit, why on earth would anyone go after a mod with attacks because he outted a cop. You make no sense at all. When a mod could just ban everyone and anyone that questions him. Again no sense is made.
If you guys ever wanna talk about B strains lemme know. Just took 8 new Bodhi strains down I hadn't tried. GOLD I tell ya!

PS: Ask yourself why the dude who hasn't had anything good to say about this gear stalks this thread the way he does. A very popular thread.....hmmmmmmm......Gathering all the intel he can is my guess.....

oink oink oink.
Well what did you take down...?

This thread went to shit fast in the last few months,for no reason at all...
It used to be some real cool cats on this forum/thread...that always came with honest bodhi it just seems like school girl bathroom gossip..

I do not think Amos is no cop..
Mod specifically asked not to be mentioned by name as Amos Cheer buddies would turn it into a shit show. MY first hand "knowledge" comes from a moderator whom I have been friends with a long time. Traded stock and whatnot many times. All I know is he gave me a heads up about Beyonce/Amos.

Dude....welcome back ! I have a question:
why would the 'Mod' give you - specifically - a ''heads up' ?

Had you solicited some of Amos' 'schwag'? Had he solicited yours? Tell the folks, why doncha, why only you got the 'heads up'.

BTW - anyone else feel free to chime in w/ first hand knowledge of your address being solicited, or any other dubious experiences.

Mod specifically asked not to be mentioned by name as Amos Cheer buddies would turn it into a shit show. .

I have 'buddies'? Well, allright! :clap:
you have Mad Hamish !

PS.....AMOS asked for me to post specific thread responses from months back where others said he was a cop...... YEAH... I CAN'T BE BOTHERED to dig threw months of threads for that shit.

Of course not. :roll:

Thread responses you refer to, but can't produce.

Mods you refer to, but can't produce.

Nice case, that ! :clap:
Maybe he reads this thread for the same reason I do, and many others I bet, it's one of the few threads without little shits stirring shit up for fun.


Maybe it's where my 'buddies' hang out. :eyesmoke:

OK....sorry. I'll contribute:

PS: Ask yourself why the dude who hasn't had anything good to say about this gear stalks this thread the way he does. A very popular thread.....hmmmmmmm......Gathering all the intel he can is my guess.....

Bodhi makes and markets Goji OG - am I right? I recall raving about that berry pheno many times....but don't be 'bothered' trying to look 'em up. :wink:

Running Solos Stash atm - Bodhi again, right? ATF and Ancient OG in the vault, so likely I'll be 'gathering info' a little while longer.

I try my hardest not to even read his posts as he's just a troll and acknowledging him is what he wants. It's hard when he starts calling folks cops. I thought he was talking about Hamish being a cop last time he went on this rant, but apparently it's you.

I hope I'm one of your "buddies" they seem super intimidating, scaring mods on their own site.
I've been alerted that there is some child here making absurd claims. I'm sure he's full of shit, and I've looked at his posts and he is very abusive. (did you get that irony?)

Anyway, I'm here to keep the peace, and help our members. When a see a new member who is making abusive posts, I just get rid of him.

All done! :mrgreen:
I've been alerted that there is some child here making absurd claims. I'm sure he's full of shit, and I've looked at his posts and he is very abusive. (did you get that irony?)

Anyway, I'm here to keep the peace, and help our members. When a see a new member who is making abusive posts, I just get rid of him.

All done! :mrgreen:
Ban hammer is strong with this one...XXVII no longer with us, then?
Speaking of, any berry taste to that, or just smell?

My berry pheno is drying right now. Ermergod it looks/smells great! :weed:

Just so happens, I have a 3/5 joint of berry Goji dangling, unlit, in the corner of the mouth. It went out while I was catching up on the thread.

The smell coming out of the jar when I open it is just what taste I get when it's lit. I have no idea what a Goji berry tastes like, but the weed isn't like any berry I can put my finger it must be gogi, I figure. But it's fantastic. Right there with c-99 and Chernobyl as the best and most distinctive smokes I've had the pleasure to enjoy.

I also decided it best to pop a couple more Gojis - I'm down to 3 jars. If I'm fortunate to get another berry, a clone will be the first colloidal silver victim.