bodhi seeds


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share my Ancient OG experience with everyone .... I've grown several indoors under a 400w and they smelled great earthy and piney, but no OG in it but still amazing I actually renamed it Yodas stash for my local buddies... Recently my outdoor crop has started to get super smelly, but the star of the group was a Ancient F2 that smells just like Garlic, bubba, and rotten roadkill it's phenomenal.... It's amazing what some plants will do outdoors and not indoors
Any pictures of them? Was part of my first Bodhi order and got 3/3 males. How is the smoke?

Know One

Well-Known Member
Nicely done how many weeks did she go?
Thanks TY, I appreciate the kind words
Only 60 days although I am certain another 5 days would have really kicked it up a notch. Unfortunately I had no choice due to my living situation.
There are 4 main colas thanks to topping method discussed by Uncle Ben in a different forum on here.. Worked really well for this girl and my Jesus-OG.


Well-Known Member
Thanks TY, I appreciate the kind words
Only 60 days although I am certain another 5 days would have really kicked it up a notch. Unfortunately I had no choice due to my living situation.
There are 4 main colas thanks to topping method discussed by Uncle Ben in a different forum on here.. Worked really well for this girl and my Jesus-OG.
That's not bad, I know how much it sucks to take something early. Looks lovely though. I don't find it as odd now a days, but I always do better with a strain on the second run. Plus I hate making mistakes. If something goes wrong, I feel the need to do it right, otherwise I'm not being objective towards a strain with my judgement.

I use to top, but with my tent as crazy as it is with different strains, it only makes a mess. I already have to stake sativa leaning strains and dealing with multiple tops can starve others from light.


Well-Known Member
I just got a camera a few weeks ago so all of my former plants will never be seen :( out of the 10 original ancients 7 were males I felt cursed at first until I experienced some ancient magic

But I have been taking pics lately getting my camera dialed in but I will be spreading some love online soon since harvest time is arising.... And since I'm now a Bodhi tester it's my duty to upload pics ;)


Well-Known Member
Gentlemonkeys. I have bodhi and GGG testers. Is this site a good place to post them? I've looked through the last 30 or so pages and it seems a bit......:o>:(:shock:

If it's ok I'll share some info. Don't want to step on any toes though.
What testers do you have?
This site is as fine a place as any....
Just start a thread in the grow journals forum if you want to keep it here.
If you don't, I'm sure several of the people here would appreciate a periodic update on your experience.
Some people, who get great joy from arguing on the internet, seem to choose this thread to try and get their rocks off.
There's assholes everywhere, though, and if you try to avoid them completely you'll miss out on a lot in life.
Personally, I think that its best to just use the ignore button with that sort, rarely do they have anything worthwhile to contribute.


Well-Known Member
Gentlemonkeys. I have bodhi and GGG testers. Is this site a good place to post them? I've looked through the last 30 or so pages and it seems a bit......:o>:(:shock:

If it's ok I'll share some info. Don't want to step on any toes though.
Post 'em up. I love to see your grow pictures :)

All threads tend to go down hill every once in a while. Things should be sorted now. As COGrown says Ignore is a great feature for never having to read bullshit :)

Oh, and TY I have no idea what I'll pull under the 250watt, the nugs on the Em-Dog are dense as heck. I'm only working in a 2x5, so 250 suits my space better then the 400 anyways. I'll be switching back to the 400 before these Bodhi strains are done flowering I think, seems to be cooling off outside finally.

The reflectix helped my grow a tonne, I had painted walls before, but it was an off white and everything was a little fluffy. I prolly lost a few oz. over the last couple years not having this shit up before.


Well-Known Member
Post 'em up. I love to see your grow pictures :)

All threads tend to go down hill every once in a while. Things should be sorted now. As COGrown says Ignore is a great feature for never having to read bullshit :)

Oh, and TY I have no idea what I'll pull under the 250watt, the nugs on the Em-Dog are dense as heck. I'm only working in a 2x5, so 250 suits my space better then the 400 anyways. I'll be switching back to the 400 before these Bodhi strains are done flowering I think, seems to be cooling off outside finally.

The reflectix helped my grow a tonne, I had painted walls before, but it was an off white and everything was a little fluffy. I prolly lost a few oz. over the last couple years not having this shit up before.
Ah we all lose out or could do better indefinitely in any space! Always try to do better. Plus some strains are just simply better producers.

I usually hate winter but when it comes to growing, I love it. I can simply leave my bed room window open and my temperature will stay below 80.


Well-Known Member
Has anybody received the new round of testers yet??? Very excited and anxious to get them in my hands :)
I'm as soon as someone receives them, we will see it here. I'll be posting anything here as maintainng a journal is too much work. Plus I like seeing what others are doing, and a general breeder thread is a great resource with a bunch of good info in one place.

Know One

Well-Known Member
Thought I'd throw in a pic of the SSL next to the Jesus-OG on the left.
Both started out topped down to 2nd node and the J-OG is on the floor in a seedling tray, finishing in a 6" X 6" RW Cube on a make-shift slab for 1 plant (approx 5' 5" tall with 4 main colas).
The SSL is in the 2' X 2' tray also topped to the 2nd node. Thick as hell.
J-OG hits me like a pure sativa while the SSL knocks me right the fuck out.
The small plant on the counter top was a throw away.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Post some pictures if ya get a chance. I'll wake the girls up and take a few pictures in a moment.

I've got a giant exhaust fan connected to the cool tube which connects to the filter hanging next to it. The exhaust is 330 cfm, which by my back of the envelope math is about 4 times a minutes air exchange (rounding down due to loss in distance). I wish I'd spent a bit more and bought a more quiet fan, thinking Can Max (anyone have experience? ).

I hang a desk fan on a chain for interior air flow, but with how quickly air goes out it really just makes a small breeze.

How are your yields with a 250? I have to say going a 600 watt HPS has been a pain during the summer. I should have set it to 400 watts and hung the carbon filter back up right away. It would have saved me from the heat damage more than likely.
The pro series Max Fan. OMG. The six inch is quieter than my gotham hydroponics 4 inch fan.