Need Help Determining Harvest Date

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Im kinda new to this whole grow thing and I need a little advice on when to harvest. I would say approximately 80% of the hairs on the plant are amber colored and it seems like the leafs are beginning to droop and turn yellow. Ive heard that this usually happens when you are a day or two from harvest. Is this true? any other advice, tips or methods would be greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
hate to be a kill joy but , man , they are some horrible looking plants , you probably best just pull em and start again ....


Well-Known Member
I'd wait a little longer bud, there are still quite a few white (new pistils), might hopefully fill out a little also in the next week or so..


Well-Known Member
not sure what pics u are looking at but them pistols are looking past there best to me.
I'd wait a little longer bud, there are still quite a few white (new pistils), might hopefully fill out a little also in the next week or so..


Well-Known Member
I can't tell from the pics if they're done but regardless, they don't look very good. Check the trichomes then try and figure out what you did wrong.


Well-Known Member
not sure what pics u are looking at but them pistols are looking past there best to me.
If you zoom in and stop being so negative and telling him hes done a shit job instead of trying to help him out would be a start.
Zoom in you can see fresh white pistils..


Well-Known Member
If you zoom in and stop being so negative and telling him hes done a shit job instead of trying to help him out would be a start.
Zoom in you can see fresh white pistils..
nah, cant see them, and I'm not being negative, just telling him how it is, no point in sugar coating it.


Well-Known Member
That plant isnt even close to being ready/ You will need to feed it something to get it threw till harvest. Do you have any bloom nutrients on hand?

Ganja Boy 420

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I have taken some pictures and would like some feedback. I have no nutes or anything to feed it and I used Miracle Gro like a schmuck. I have a loupe and when i look at the trichs it seems like they are just beginning to turn a little cloudy. How many more weeks do you guys think? Also, is it necessary for a 24 hour darkness period before harvest? ANY advice would be greatly appreciated because I have no idea what im doing



Well-Known Member
Dude that is at least 2 weeks and I didn't even have to open the pics, and yes feed them and get rid of those nasty looking leaves


Well-Known Member
Your goal is to harvest the best weed you can right? Assuming so you are about a month away from smoke with the time left to grow 14+ days and the dry and cure. Don't worry miracle grow is fine, just inorganic so compare it to the same thing as Marlboro cigarettes in terms of cleanliness