New business


Well-Known Member
Gawd had to check the room again and makesure it said newbies and not professional growers only .... i do plan on hiring people that know what theyre doing but i thought i could come here and learn something myselfbefore hiring someone thats 100 an hour without knowing something myselfam i in the wrong forum
hire someone , then learn from them


Well-Known Member
I think two full time growers would be all you need though. I would also suggest govita's in regards to lighting in commercial settings.


How much do you thinkwould be reasonable to pay someone some guy in the south of my state was saying 100 an hour and he sent me a ridiculous quote with his equipment he owns a hydro store of couurse im not gonna use him


Thanks 941 what do you think about leds? Govitas ? Is that a brand name im feeling real stupidforreal right now


Well-Known Member
:( didnt mean to get anyone upset ...i just wanted to learn somethings myself
you've not upset anyone,,,its just a trust thing,,,, if your really serious about your business , pay people to do it for you , your obviously a young duckling, no offence


Well-Known Member
It depends where you are. I just got paid $75/hr for a 2 day consult job this week. I think for full time work you could get a experienced cultivator for $35-$100/hr. I would only pay the higher side of that figure for guys who have experience starting and running commercial grows. Like I said it really is relative to your market.

I'm really not the one to ask when it comes to LED's.


Well i hate to put my business out there but i live in a state where theye giving out license had to put in hefty investment to do this so im starting from scratch


Well-Known Member
Well i hate to put my business out there but i live in a state where theye giving out license had to put in hefty investment to do this so im starting from scratch
you need to hire someone to do the thinking for you Hun! Just don't get ripped off,,good luck,,,my last word


It depends where you are. I just got paid $75/hr for a 2 day consult job this week. I think for full time work you could get a experienced cultivator for $35-$100/hr. I would only pay the higher side of that figure for guys who have experience starting and running commercial grows. Like I said it really is relative to your market.

I'm really not the one to ask when it comes to LED's.
And thank you 941 yourvposts are exactly the kind of thing im looking for very helpful


Well-Known Member
why get into a business you have no experience in, and no idea how to work the tool chain of production for said business. Please tell me you at least are a smoker. I get how the opportunity is shiny and attractive, what with a vacuum of supply for newly legalized regions, but that's like someone who's never made a sandwich that didn't suck opening up a deli.
I hope you are at least really into the culture, and not just an opportunist business person.


Well-Known Member
Thanks 941 what do you think about leds? Govitas ? Is that a brand name im feeling real stupidforreal right now
not profitable on the scale youre talking about IMO
blaze some 1000w's
maybe go vertical
and to be perfectly honest if i would be offered a job growing even if i was the only one that had a clue what was going on
im sure 15-20 bucks an hour could pay my wage's
because there are some serious hours to be clocked in a space that big


Well-Known Member
its not something you can learn over night and really takes time to get dialed in
are you going to be running from seed or clone ?
im assuming clone so you should probably get your mothers growing asap .


Well-Known Member
Ok dont judge me but yea i tried to grow a couple sativas and well when they were done they looked great tasted alright i say alright but the potency sucked not sure what i did wrong to complicated fertilizers maybe likethey were too strong forthe plantsorsomething
what were the genetics ? and how long did you let them run in flower ?


Well-Known Member
sorry ok i admit maybay i was being a bit heavy with u but realisation is something u will need to get in your head this isnt as easy as plant a seed and watch it grow the variables r emence nd a structured plan would need to b put in place before u do anything and remember thes guys in your local grow store r all salesmen they WILL rip u off givin half the chance just trying to give u a bit of heads up before u commit yourself to a project as big as u suggested 100% commitment will vb needed for u to proggress but i do hope u get the help needed and have youself a great grow[buisness]and a lot of the guys including myself will b here for u if u need any advice look up miccyj 6000 watt build and grow and that will give u an idea of wot is required....