Use of the word "nigger"


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Do you like fried chicken?
Is there a problem with me really loving chicken, and fried chicken, good fried chicken, as among the bestest of the chickens? I also love chicken livers, whole, sauteed in butter with a bit of salt and pepper, til just pink inside. 8) Chicken is very important.
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New Member
indeed there not exceptable...
i look at things from both perspectives...
evil is evil....
it knows no skin color...
aids is man made,check into that,look at all the disease, going on...

white black is all relative...

but i dont see black people running shit, so if im being oppresed , then who do i take it out on...well the person/persons doing the oppression...

i say we ,beacuse im a person being affected just like you, liek you pay for that high ass gas as well, or like your not being exposed to the music too.

we all in it together, you think aids knows color, nor does evil.

why is it so hard to see my stand point...
listen up caucasains, if you havent wronged anyone then dont take offence...

but as i stated from the media, to the food companys , to the clothes you wear, to the music labels, to the oil companies , to the car company owners, who and what are they....
old white guys, who dont give afuck about anyone...those are the elite pulling the strings....

they say fuck u to us all....

is that so hard to believe....if your takin what im saying as rascist, then your not lookin at the facts....what have i said that is not happening in society.

example...these guys have been raised to be racist ,the existed in world where that was ok, can any of you guys say you lived in a society the said hey, call as many black people nigger as you can, its ok....then all of the sudden ,they tell them you cant say it anymore....and look what think they aint still holding a grudge...
and oh by the way, last time i checked most of the white youth that i have been exposed to seems to think callin each other nigga is cool...
thats just pure ignorance...
your not even black....

like dave chappelle , and paul mooney. if there something they want, they talk and claim it there self.

has that not happened with nigga????

now i dont speak against all caucasains , just like all blacks arent stereotypical niggers.
i cant bring all caucasains down and i wont...but i will look around and see who is ppulling the string and guess who...evil old white guys...

right or wrong??
government anyone??
They're called Jews, HaHaHaHeHeHehoHoHo~LOL~.


New Member
]Bigot.[/COLOR] :D
So you are a Jew, I should have known, ~LOL~. My friends call me little Hitler. I'm moving to Idaho and am joining the Arian Brotherhood,~LOL~. You are so predictable. I'm not going to apologise any further for saying those in charge of our wealth are mostly jews. Facts is facts.


Well-Known Member
So you are a Jew, I should have known, ~LOL~. My friends call me little Hitler. I'm moving to Idaho and am joining the Arian Brotherhood,~LOL~. You are so predictable. I'm not going to apologise any further for saying those in charge of our wealth are mostly jews. Facts is facts.

Jews keeping you down, huh?


Well-Known Member
Yes, medicineman goes by a person's last name, and apparently names like Rockefeller are JEWISH. Apparently, now so am I.

You're a closet bigot, med. :D


Well-Known Member
indeed there not exceptable...
i look at things from both perspectives...
evil is evil....
it knows no skin color...
aids is man made,check into that,look at all the disease, going on...

white black is all relative...

but i dont see black people running shit, so if im being oppresed , then who do i take it out on...well the person/persons doing the oppression...

i say we ,beacuse im a person being affected just like you, liek you pay for that high ass gas as well, or like your not being exposed to the music too.

we all in it together, you think aids knows color, nor does evil.

why is it so hard to see my stand point...
listen up caucasains, if you havent wronged anyone then dont take offence...

but as i stated from the media, to the food companys , to the clothes you wear, to the music labels, to the oil companies , to the car company owners, who and what are they....
old white guys, who dont give afuck about anyone...those are the elite pulling the strings....

they say fuck u to us all....

is that so hard to believe....if your takin what im saying as rascist, then your not lookin at the facts....what have i said that is not happening in society.

example...these guys have been raised to be racist ,the existed in world where that was ok, can any of you guys say you lived in a society the said hey, call as many black people nigger as you can, its ok....then all of the sudden ,they tell them you cant say it anymore....and look what think they aint still holding a grudge...
and oh by the way, last time i checked most of the white youth that i have been exposed to seems to think callin each other nigga is cool...
thats just pure ignorance...
your not even black....

like dave chappelle , and paul mooney. if there something they want, they talk and claim it there self.

has that not happened with nigga????

now i dont speak against all caucasains , just like all blacks arent stereotypical niggers.
i cant bring all caucasains down and i wont...but i will look around and see who is ppulling the string and guess who...evil old white guys...

right or wrong??
government anyone??
i hope you one day realise whats so very wrong with your entire statement i really do

let me explain something to you , i was brought up in a real shithole of an area , next door to me there was a kid a year younger than me , when i was 12 i found out he was black , up until this point he was just arren , another kid , after this he was and still is arren , a kid next door , should i give a shit about his skin colour , should i consider him repressed and a victim of an unjust society , hes black isnt he so that makes him a social economical reject doesn't it , its entirely down to his skin right ? arren and myself dont get on as hes a high ranking cop now , he worked hard and got where he is on merit , his skin colour doesn't matter to anyone except those who consider it important and someone who considers it important is either deluded into finding issue or a feckin racist , i believe you actively seek issue , you see shadows on every corner , you look so find a tirade of shit levelled because of skin colour alone , repression and selection , sorry but lifes not like this , seek and ye shell find and its tainted your perspective , you choice music as an example of expression , the music industry is a perpetuation of a caricature of a repressed society , buy into this and your simply brainwashed or without imagination , its the fuckin word on the street man , no its a marketing exercises to extra $$$ , until you can see its not about ``evil old white guys`` and its about evil old guys then your sadly no better than some piece of shit with a burning cross , one people one world


New Member
Yeppers.....although a quick glance at the Presidential hopefuls will demonstrate this;'s not just "evil old guys", evil can be a half black half white youngish guy too.....


Well-Known Member
i hope you one day realise whats so very wrong with your entire statement i really do

let me explain something to you , i was brought up in a real shithole of an area , next door to me there was a kid a year younger than me , when i was 12 i found out he was black , up until this point he was just arren , another kid , after this he was and still is arren , a kid next door , should i give a shit about his skin colour , should i consider him repressed and a victim of an unjust society , hes black isnt he so that makes him a social economical reject doesn't it , its entirely down to his skin right ? arren and myself dont get on as hes a high ranking cop now , he worked hard and got where he is on merit , his skin colour doesn't matter to anyone except those who consider it important and someone who considers it important is either deluded into finding issue or a feckin racist , i believe you actively seek issue , you see shadows on every corner , you look so find a tirade of shit levelled because of skin colour alone , repression and selection , sorry but lifes not like this , seek and ye shell find and its tainted your perspective , you choice music as an example of expression , the music industry is a perpetuation of a caricature of a repressed society , buy into this and your simply brainwashed or without imagination , its the fuckin word on the street man , no its a marketing exercises to extra $$$ , until you can see its not about ``evil old white guys`` and its about evil old guys then your sadly no better than some piece of shit with a burning cross , one people one world
you dont know me so dont dont use some hafe assed story to try to attempt to see where im coming from...your deluded my friend, to say im no better than a cross burner, tells alot about you and your mentality, your done your finished. be gone.

if you cant see the truth, whats in front of you, your blind.
and thats not my problem.

i know how i feel ,ive got my opinions and thats what they are, you dont like then kiss my beautiful brown ass....
come on pucker up man, im waiting....


Well-Known Member
Yeppers.....although a quick glance at the Presidential hopefuls will demonstrate this;'s not just "evil old guys", evil can be a half black half white youngish guy too.....
yes yes evil is evil, it knows no skin color... it can get in anyone, and i see that fuckin check the shit ive said on him...

fuck obama hes evil, i dont like him, etc...


Well-Known Member
all those presidential candidates are evill...

and so way or another they all seem to be relate..
that elite bloodline is whats running this country, the jesuits ,the 13 familys they control u.s.a