Getting High off of Nutmeg?


New Member
not worth it haha i ate probly like 2 grams of it and it tasted horrible and not worth it i didnt get fucked up at all i think it gave me the shits the next morning lol


Well-Known Member
The amount you need to get these effects can cause severe sickness for many hours. Not worth it.
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Well-Known Member
Forgot to mention, it's been said it can kick in up to 12 hours after taking it so it's no quick fix and can ruin following days.


New Member
I did it before once. Its not worth it at all, and Im gonna have to advise u to just not do it. Its supposed to be real bad for your liver or something to.

I did more than 3 tablespoons which was almost impossible and I was 1 second away from throwing up. Long story short, I didnt get high I just felt weird and sick and Im probly never gonna eat nutmeg again. The only reason I did it is the reason why most ppl do it, becuz I ran out of everything else and had no weed left. But maybe I did it wrong, IDK.


Well-Known Member
the ol nutmeg it works for sure those who say it doesnt havnt done it right, you have to get the whole nuts of nutmeg they r in the spice section eat about ten b4 you go to bed, they take around 8_10 hours to kick in. be warned they taste like shit imagine the worst taste ya can think of and multiply it by ten and you r not even close to how bad the taste is and you have to chew them up down them with custard or cofee or sumthin. i must also add that nutmeg is dangerous you can die from it it has some sort of fat that stores in your blood vessels so dont do it to much!


Active Member
never try this!
it's horrible.
i wanted to try it so bad so i tried to eat it and it was the most horrible tasting thing ever.
then I mixed it with ice cream and ate some of it even though it still tasted disgusting.
I hadn't had that much so I smoked some and then I fell asleep around 4am. (it was 12am when i took it)
then in the morning everything was all blurry and i could barely walk. i was so dizzy and i was thirsty every 5 minutes.
my mind was like spinning.
trust me this is not worth it. I only experienced the high for a little bit and it wasn't that great because I mostly slept through the actual high. nutmeg takes around 6 hours to get the the peak.
don't ever try this. it's the stupidest thing you can do. get some weed instead


Well-Known Member
WTF? Why? Are you Malcolm X? Are you in Prison? No? then why the hell would you do this?

Oh wait I tried it when I was 16........doh!
didnt work with the nutmeg in the cupboards, lol. You need the actual seeds.


Well-Known Member
the ol nutmeg it works for sure those who say it doesnt havnt done it right, you have to get the whole nuts of nutmeg they r in the spice section eat about ten b4 you go to bed, they take around 8_10 hours to kick in. be warned they taste like shit imagine the worst taste ya can think of and multiply it by ten and you r not even close to how bad the taste is and you have to chew them up down them with custard or cofee or sumthin. i must also add that nutmeg is dangerous you can die from it it has some sort of fat that stores in your blood vessels so dont do it to much!
Hey just a heads up to anyone thinking about doing what this guy is suggesting... PLEASE DO NOT CONSUME 10 WHOLE NUTMEG SEEDS. This can be very toxic and you could be in for very serious health complications.

And to sidngroovennude, go fuck yourself dude. Don't come on here giving dangerous advice - there could easily be some kid somewhere who doesn't know any better and takes your post seriously and ODs on nutmeg. You really are a piece of shit for posting that.


Well-Known Member
Yes I have tripped off nutmeg before but it was like 6 years ago. It was July 4th 2003, I was in San Francisco at Fisherman's Wharf. I was preparing to watch the fireworks display when I bought some coffee. I noticed there was a large freshly-ground tin of nutmeg sitting at the counter, so I ate like 5 tablespoons of the shit. I felt pretty weird that night, and then when I went to sleep later that night, I had very strange and lucid dreams. I had a fever and my eyes were bloodshot like I had smoked some weed.

I would advise against nutmeg as a drug, and would recommend it more as a spice for your coffee ;)


Well-Known Member
The first couple of times were a bit shit. At one point I thought my toilet was consuming me. Plenty of shapes and patterns on the walls and music was felt more than heard. Weird dreams. I kept going at it every few weeks just to make sure it wasn't a placebo effect, I still could not believe nutmeg could produce such effect. The more I did it, the less painful and more fun it was. Sex and any kind of indica compliment a nutmeg trip PERFECTLY. I can smoke way less and still float off with the fluffy clouds. I convinced a more hardcore stoner friend of mine to try it after months of persuasion. I slipped some to him when he was stoned once and he hated me for it, asking when it was going to be over. Then later on he tried it by himself and called me to tell me what an amazing time he was having XD When I went to visit the next day he was so spaced out lol

I heard Nutmeg is pretty bad for your liver, so I don't overdo it. I've never even been drunk *rolls eyes*. But grate 3-5 spoonfuls and shove it straight in the back of your mouth. No need for chewing. But yeah, ready-ground from the supermarket will not do.


Active Member
I did it before once. Its not worth it at all, and Im gonna have to advise u to just not do it. Its supposed to be real bad for your liver or something to.

I did more than 3 tablespoons which was almost impossible and I was 1 second away from throwing up. Long story short, I didnt get high I just felt weird and sick and Im probly never gonna eat nutmeg again. The only reason I did it is the reason why most ppl do it, becuz I ran out of everything else and had no weed left. But maybe I did it wrong, IDK.
yeah, fatty deposits on the liver...not good