Well-Known Member
Hey bro that girl is looking amazing think shes ready to be set free per flowering she is readydo it do it flip
worked stuffed me over with fly out so i told them i am not flying out for two weeks and i think my girls are ready
hope you don't mind just going to post a little close up of one ill remove if you like
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Thanks bro she does look amazing. Yea she's ready to be set free so she can do her thang and today I'm flipping. I'm just too anxious and honestly she's big enough. All the preflowers let's me know she's ready lol.
It sucks that work did that to you but at least you were able to stay and harvest the girls before you leave out. That way you don't come back to plants with lots of degrading thc.
Bro your all good man if I haven't said this already I'll say it again, "I'm not like other on here who be tripping about posting in their thread. This is why most of us are here to post and share with each other. This thread is open for posting and discussion about anything as long it's about what we're doing and not people trolling and talking about each other. I'm one of the coolest cats on here and that's no lie and I will never be mad at you for sharing your work

Oh and I'm not bragging or anything like that but the dude I mentioned that shitted on me when I told him that I hope everything turned out better all his plants died. I feel bad for him but karma is a bitch.