got jacked

more like anyone who wants to legally grow gives up there rights to bear arms.. so.. ya shooting someone will land u in a shit ton of trouble..

but.. doesn't mean u cant shoot them with paintball gun full of frozen paintballs. or marbles.
more like anyone who wants to legally grow gives up there rights to bear arms.. so.. ya shooting someone will land u in a shit ton of trouble..

but.. doesn't mean u cant shoot them with paintball gun full of frozen paintballs. or marbles.
I disagree. I am 100% legal. In fact the day after I got mmj card I bought my first gun.
So I have calmed myself and here is the new plan. Camp is 10x safer than before.
Motion lights x 4
Shotgun shells x 40 box cheap ones target shells
The plan is to cut down a tree with the shotgun just about every damn night. Rather burn through a few bullets than shoot someone over freaking pot. So I'm gonna make Lots of noise all night long and sleep during the days.
if someone ignores youre on camera signs along with NEW trespassing signs, they have BIG balls.

knowing there are cartels out there and other scary mofos... this dude knows you me thinks.
The federal laws regarding pot and guns are still the same, whether pot is legal in your state or not... So ya he was right you do give up your second amendment right when you choose to be a caregiver fyi.
PS when I read your first post and your confusion of how they got to it I instantly had some mission impossible shit pop into my head lol
You give up nothing . Read this the woman walked
no trial self def. not rado but that's cuz in colorado
You can be shot crossing fences cattle rustling is huge here on the slot canyon border and those lax laws are for ranchers
When there's weed involved there's a question on the federal form to buy firearms about drugs. If you're the holder of a mmj card then you're def using a drug that fed frowns on. Therefore you have to lie on the federal form to buy firearms .
I don't know what the case would be if you owned the firearms before the mmj card but probably the same.
and about the rippers. May as well start shooting now .
A local guy a couple years back had this huge sog of a backyard, they were hopping his fence in broad daylight. I won't be moving outdoors. Season is too short here (especially this year) and it's just not worth the attention. Outs are usually lesser quality than weed grown indoors anyway, if done right.
must not be that much rain there either. I usually attribute outdoor tasting like outdoor due to the windswept dust, and the residue in rain.

not only due the rain drops damage trichomes, and get them all sogged up, the rain has dirt/residue in it. just like how it leaves dirt marks on your freshly washed car after it rains.

indo smelling like outdoor? no excuse
When there's weed involved there's a question on the federal form to buy firearms about drugs. If you're the holder of a mmj card then you're def using a drug that fed frowns on. Therefore you have to lie on the federal form to buy firearms .
I don't know what the case would be if you owned the firearms before the mmj card but probably the same.
I didn't fill out anything, the day after I got my colorado mmj I bought a shotgun...legally in a store after passing the background check