Need advice on new product


Active Member
A friend of mine was given a bag which he got from another medical grower. It's called Mykos Mycorrhize and this guy uses it and swears by it to create stronger plants with better yields. He gave me the bag and I see how to use it at transplant, but can you use it on established grows? I'm 3 weeks into flower. This product helps roots and root environment. Is it too late for these plants and just try it on next grow with my clones and seedlings? I would like advice about this product. Does it work well with Fox Farm nutrients?


Well-Known Member
Mycorrhize is already in most decent soils; happy frog, sunshine mix, roots orgnic, pro mix. So you may already be using it and not even know.

I would say that it is to late for this grow, but if your soil doesnt already have it, then go ahead and mux it in for your next grow


Active Member
Mycorrhize is already in most decent soils; happy frog, sunshine mix, roots orgnic, pro mix. So you may already be using it and not even know.

I would say that it is to late for this grow, but if your soil doesnt already have it, then go ahead and mux it in for your next grow
I use vermifire soil so I will check. The other grower uses it in fox farm ocean farm. Wonder if it even helps if soil is already in it?