My Girls are doing too well what should I do


After being stunted, over watered, root bound and cal mag defficency the girls are doing great now! My problem is that in 2 weeks I will be out of town for about a week. They are about 33 in tall now and growing fast. I FIMed one and topped the other. Im growing in a tent 5 ft tall with cfls and the girls are half as tall as the tent. My odor control is a DIY carbon filter venting outside the tent to a rubbermaid tub with a CAP ozone generator in it and then venting out thru the window. So far the odor is managed by my system
I live in an apartment and need to control the smell.

If I wasnt going away I would have flipped them already but I dont want them stinky while im away and not able to monitor the smell. Im afraid to flip them until I get back but by that time I expect they will be even taller when I flip them. Soooo what should I do?

This is my first grow so I need sage advice. How long after flip do they start to really stink? Should I flip the day I leave and hope they dont start to really stink for the first week? Should I wait until I get back and just tough it out when they get too tall? Is there a way to LST them down for horizontal growth to keep the vertical growth down? Hmmm didnt have these problems when they were stunted runts. Im a victim of my sucess because of all the good advice on this forum. BTW NO I wont drop them off at your house to watch over them for me lol.

Pics show my problem. Thanks to all for the advice .


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You need to flower them soon because of height restrictions. A week in flower might possibly not stink depending on your strain. I don't know though. It's a risk either way
Granny, im growing white widow and 00 kush and im thinking I need to wait until I return

evangelis, will topping them slow them down? Should I top today or wait till just before I leave?

Thanks for the advice
i was thinking, if you're worried about their height, topping them will slow them slightly while you're away, instead of allowing them to get too tall, in which case you'd have to either top them or bend them anyway, when you return. From what i've read, topping them won't slow them much, and they'll recover pretty quickly. The good part is that they wouldn't get too tall while you're gone, and they'd spend your away time recovering, instead of beginning whatever type of training when you return. They'd probably be ready or almost ready to go when you get back. My reasoning is starting the slow/recovery period sooner, rather than later. Not insisting anything though, and someone else may have a better idea. I just think that if i were in that situation, i'd opt to top. :)
I would probably top. Most strains don't get "Stinky" until a couple weeks into flower. More than 2 for sure. Topping doesn't cause too much stress. But you also have to remember that a plant will stretch considerably when flowering. I would suggest topping. And contrary to popular belief you can clone the main shoot. I've had better results cloning healthy top growth than weak bottom growth. I think that old saying about taking clones from the bottom is whack. Most of that stuff is IMO not good cloning material. I don't think there is that much of a hormonal difference between the bottom and the top. I just know that I can take a "big" healthy clone from a top and in 2 weeks it's considerably healthier than some little clone off the bottom that rooted 2 weeks before I even took the top clone. When a top gets cloned and roots it's 2-3 times bigger and healthier. But all of this works for me. Do what you wanna do. You are god of your realm.
Evangalist, Josia
When you say top do you mean snipping the small growth at the very top to get 2 new bud or actually cutting the stem top off like pruning an apple tree by cutting the top section of trunk off to stop it from growing higher?
Evangalist, Josia
When you say top do you mean snipping the small growth at the very top to get 2 new bud or actually cutting the stem top off like pruning an apple tree by cutting the top section of trunk off to stop it from growing higher?

Yeah you mean FIMing or topping. I would say top. depending on how tall it is FIMing might cause some weird results (lessen the yield) if flower is induced 2 weeks later. Mainly because FIMing causes more shoots sometimes than topping so instead of 2 collas you might end up with 3-4 smaller ones. Sometimes if you don't get the right spot FIMing you don't get any real results as far as branching either. Especially if you have never done it before. I prefer the "pinch" type of topping/FIMing. you actually have to separate the shoot from the leaves. It's a really fine pinch just at the base of the new shoot. That calyx has to be damaged or main stem has to be damaged in order for topping to be effective. Sometimes you just get the leaves if you don't FIM correctly. Maybe that's what F#@$ I Missed really means lol. After a couple days you realize you just clipped the leaves.
those are nice plants, do not top, youre gonna lose some real nice buds. unless you need to clone, leave em alone.

dont start stinking until 2-4 weeks in when crystals start going.

white widow is usually a low odor strain.

start flowering them in a week, and put a saucer under em and water em real good when you leave. or get those water globe things from walgreens, that self waters them as they need it