Gage Green Group Info Thread

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Well-Known Member
If I could grow every GGG strain,befor they hit the streets I would,,,if he finds my info that helpful,,,all I do is grow some plants,and post what I grow....if that makes me a know-it-all...then so be it.....

But I can bet my Ty,is the only person on the whole web that feels that way.

Show a post of me cutting down someone...never will I do that.
I tell my real life kids,they room looks like shit all the time...clean it up.
They keep it pushing.
You've done it before man. Not saying you don't offer good information but I've seen you be contentious towards smaller growers and knock others for no reason. I find it humorous as you tend to do it in pretentious way


Well-Known Member
You've done it before man. Not saying you don't offer good information but I've seen you be contentious towards smaller growers and knock others for no reason. I find it humorous as you tend to do it in pretentious way
Can you show me these post?
Smaller growers?ima a small grower
So the people I have done it to,say nothing about it?

Ima have to call bs on this one.

You have fun trying to trash other threads,but cry when some one talks real in the other thread...out of respect for that breeder,you and your bunch make that thread sad..


Well-Known Member

Can you show me these post?
Smaller growers?ima a small grower
So the people I have done it to,say nothing about it?

Ima have to call bs on this one.

You have fun trying to trash other threads,but cry when some one talks real in the other thread...out of respect for that breeder,you and your bunch make that thread sad..
You've done it multiple times and I'm not digging through threads to prove my point. It wouldn't change your mind anyways. A fruitless endeavor.

You certainly are no Mr Rodgers up in here, so don't even act like you don't realize
you can be a prick. I know I can be, at least I admit it.

Eta, just look a couple pages back in this thread. You do it consistently
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Well-Known Member
We'll I hope these people say something,cause I do not know what you are going on about.

But for you to keep saying this without no proof/ are looking/sounding like that one guy.

So do you have any GGG info to add...good or bad?


Well-Known Member
You've done it multiple times and I'm not digging through threads to prove my point. It wouldn't change your mind anyways. A fruitless endeavor.

You certainly are no Mr Rodgers up in here, so don't even act like you don't realize
you can be a prick. I know I can be, at least I admit it.

Eta, just look a couple pages back in this thread. You do it consistently

actually thanks to gen i've been able to see what i can expect from some variety even if he's have not grown it himself he search and find me what im searching the problem it's not asking for info it's the way they ask it that do not please i don't think his a prick like i don't think you're angry 4 nothing you both help me kindly when i was asking and i know you guy can go along well

@Gen sometimes don't waste your time on some dick like me just do what you do all times: pics and information iff the people don't like your answer let them be thnaks to akym grandmother i realise it a little bit late but not too late :)

well guy we really are some passionate people loool!!!


Well-Known Member
actually thanks to gen i've been able to see what i can expect from some variety even if he's have not grown it himself he search and find me what im searching the problem it's not asking for info it's the way they ask it that do not please i don't think his a prick like i don't think you're angry 4 nothing you both help me kindly when i was asking and i know you guy can go along well

@Gen sometimes don't waste your time on some dick like me just do what you do all times: pics and information iff the people don't like your answer let them be thnaks to akym grandmother i realise it a little bit late but not too late :)

well guy we really are some passionate people loool!!!
Thanks for the shoutout to me and mostly my Grandma. It's never too late to learn something that can make you a better person. Sometimes it's hard not saying things when people say whatever if it's true or not, as humans we want to defend ourselves and every person has the right to but when we're talking about these beautiful plants we should be coming together not fussing and arguing. Life's too short and most of us have more important shit to worry about so everybody needs to just chill and if someone is talking sideways don't entertain it

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
A few words if I may: I requested the site owner to ban me in order to freeze my account. It is a form of protest really. Now guess what, he is too nice to do that. He is this really cool old hippie and stuff like what we all have been pulling makes him sad. Can we all take a step back and consider that we are affecting people we never intended to, and who are allowing our freedom of speech even though it is pissing on what they created. I am guilty of this. We all are. Not cool. kgp, you surprise me over and over. I think you will make a damn good rep for any company. Just had to mention that. Now another point, I am active on quite a few forums. Stuff like this here, all this hate, you just don't see it other places. Hate to say it, but it is because on other boards peoe take their responsibility with their words quite seriously. So yeah,how about showing the site owner his efforts are not wasted. I mean we use this place for free he pays for it.


Well-Known Member
A few words if I may: I requested the site owner to ban me in order to freeze my account. It is a form of protest really. Now guess what, he is too nice to do that. He is this really cool old hippie and stuff like what we all have been pulling makes him sad. Can we all take a step back and consider that we are affecting people we never intended to, and who are allowing our freedom of speech even though it is pissing on what they created. I am guilty of this. We all are. Not cool. kgp, you surprise me over and over. I think you will make a damn good rep for any company. Just had to mention that. Now another point, I am active on quite a few forums. Stuff like this here, all this hate, you just don't see it other places. Hate to say it, but it is because on other boards peoe take their responsibility with their words quite seriously. So yeah,how about showing the site owner his efforts are not wasted. I mean we use this place for free he pays for it.
I don't disagree with you but it takes both parties. I saw you pull shit on the bay, and you knocked it off quite fucking quick when called out by members. I tried standing up for you when you got piled on, rightfully so, and then you proceeded to give me shit. So consider taking your own advice as well


Well-Known Member
GReatfulbreath x grape puff(4) females (4) males

Mendobreath x grape puff(6) females (2) males

Time to get them setup for veg..
Damn Gen lovely. I saw a journal on that Greatful Breath cross and they got some really good phenos in there. Should have some very similar phenos from both pack cus they're almost the same strain except for the mothers being crossed with different studs.

One day hopefully soon I'll be testing some great crosses from them

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
You are hallucinating Tonight You. I NEVER got piled on on the Bay. Prove it. You have me confused with somebody else. Matter of fact, not even kaptain got piled on after becoming impossibly rude. It just doesn't happen on the Bay. Brits and Americans are a world removed from each other. I have never had a fit with anybody from the UK. Plus I admitted guilt already but you dont bother to read properly. Come, show me one argument. You standing up for me is bulkshit. And don even try telling me you don't feel like spending the time to reference your statement. You already wrote a check you refuse to cash with Genuity, if you want to make accusations then back them up. You want to put out info bout a plant or person, back it up. Far as I am concerned your reality check just bounced, overdrawn at the moral bank there.
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Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Plus TY, all I see you doing here is judging. You fellas walked in here crapping all over Gen for no reason in the start, now you accuse him of having lost his patience? Wake up fella. Cause and effect.


Well-Known Member
You are hallucinating Tonight You. I NEVER got piled on on the Bay. Prove it. You have me confused with somebody else. Matter of fact, not even kaptain got piled on after becoming impossibly rude. It just doesn't happen on the Bay. Brits and Americans are a world removed from each other. I have never had a fit with anybody from the UK. Plus I admitted guilt already but you dont bother to read properly. Come, show me one argument. You standing up for me is bulkshit. And don even try telling me you don't feel like spending the time to reference your statement. You already wrote a check you refuse to cash with Genuity, if you want to make accusations then back them up. You want to put out info bout a plant or person, back it up. Far as I am concerned your reality check just bounced, overdrawn at the moral bank there.
It's in the massive strain thread about 400 pages back. I've already pointed out Gen does it in this thread already.

Moral bank? At this point you've been over drawn already.

But keep beating your crazy drum, you rarely miss a beat.
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