Club 600


Well-Known Member
I was self employed till last year now i have a job and i wish i worked for myself again. Money is alot better. We kind off struggle now and i was able to send my wife to college back then.


Well-Known Member
Money has been super tight for us lately. Whenever I think we will have some breathing room, something major comes up and there is goes. I know things will turn around and am hoping this new deal will help. I just need more work, is the bottom line, and I have been having a hard time securing work lately.

@Dr.D81 - check your email bro.


Well-Known Member
I'm starting to itch to get trimming on my girls. I can't wait to see what all comes out of the room this time. I'm sure there is going to be some changes for the next round but don't know what all yet. I figure this round's end yield will not be as good as it could be. I have some wall space with screen that is empty and I'd like to fill that space up with buds next time if I can.
I need to figure out what will be my best approach. Hang shelves and increase my plant count or wait for the Lambsbread to finish. Then put the next round in so I can veg them into the screen for a few weeks.

I suppose there's a third option of taking cuttings from the vegging girls and vegging everything until the Lambsbread finishes. Then hang shelves over the shorter plants only and veg everything into the screen. That should fill the fukker up, lol.


Well-Known Member
So I just got some hth pool shock in the mail. After cloning failure this round I am ready to try something new. So I've been reading a lot and found out that chlorine during cloning is actually helpful for plants, hence why they say tap water is preferred. I just made a gallon of clear res for like 25 cents (clear res sells for $20 a liter). I'll let you all know how it goes :) the recipe I found is 1 gram of shock to one gallon water to make a solution. Then 30ml of the solution is added to every 5 gallons of cloning water. Hoping for the best, there is ALOT of success stories using this stuff in hydro cloners so my fingers are crossed.

Hope everyone enjoys the weekend!

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
Money has been super tight for us lately. Whenever I think we will have some breathing room, something major comes up and there is goes. I know things will turn around and am hoping this new deal will help. I just need more work, is the bottom line, and I have been having a hard time securing work lately.

@Dr.D81 - check your email bro.
It seems it never fails. As soon as you get a dollar ahead then something 4 dollars (or more) is needed. I just got my truck out of the shop Thursday and it is being towed to another shop this afternoon.....and I just spent $68 on gas....large tank, fortunately it wasn't empty.

funny story about the previous breakdown.
I was on a long bridge when she suddenly quit running and coasted as far as possible but was still on the shoulder of the bridge. Traffic is zooming by at 70+ about 18" from my door. I determined that it was something I couldn't fix and called for a wrecker and a ride. After about 15 minutes a car from one of the northern states stops and the fellow walks back to me with traffic flying by and says, I'm not here to help, but how do I get to a certain town....and believe it or not I was so shocked that I politely gave him the directions. I ended up spending 2 hours in the hot sun in a swaying vehicle breathing exhaust fumes. The pipe and stash came in handy.



Well-Known Member
I fell that whodat " socks in the wash " it is perfect.
I have been on the dollar a head four back ride for to long now.