um, why are we fighting about political candidates again? its not like theres anything we can actually do about it. thats why i dont understand these lines that divide political groups. theyre just as bad as the people who say races should be divided. why? is there REALLY anything we can do about it? we can lobby, protest, elect every ron paul and ralph nader we can find, but what sez that the evil that is there now wont EVENTUALLY corrupt them too? what nietzsche said was right: "out of chaos comes order." the ones on this site are the enlightened ones. we see the diference between a good and a bad, a drug and a plant, a word and a action. While everybody is gonna have different views and different words to say on different subjects, what are we gonna do to ensure that our children's children dont have to live in this ignorance, no matter what color they are? lets find a way to stop this shit instead of just arguing about it. not that this isnt a time to air your opinions, but come on! people are in here fighting like we know who we actually are! this shit is make believe anyway! chill out! roll up an imaginary blunt (or vape it if youve got money like that) and relax! black or white, were all lacking the same color; green!!!!