Is it politically correct for women to be out of control?


Well-Known Member
travisw got to it already, sta-puft.

So YOU agree with her than? Or are you just too scared to confront her? Letting the ol' little head think for you again are you? Exactly as I expected. You're a fraud and a pussy. We all already know that though.

knucklehead bob

Well-Known Member
I've been hearing this from Lions fans for many years. It's only a matter of time until CJ gets hurt and/or Stafford comes back to reality and starts sucking. It must be rough being a Lion fan. You might go 9-7.

Vikes gonna win the Super Bowl, babyyyyy!!
This much is certain , don't know about the Vikes . They look as big and BAD as the rest of the NFC North :bigjoint:

NFC North

upload_2014-9-16_1-13-18.png Bears

upload_2014-9-16_1-13-18.png Vikings

upload_2014-9-16_1-13-18.png Lions

upload_2014-9-16_1-13-18.png Packers


Well-Known Member
Is anyone taking into consideration both sports people in question with obvious evidence against them are icon figures for tons of children and kids growing up. .

They are paid millions because there physical AND mental abilities. They know they are icon figures. Kids buy jerseys ect with there names on it.

When you take a job that puts your physical and mental ability to the test and your succeed at it then you can take a slap in the face without knocking her out. Also as a icon figure your showing kids this is ok... as a millionaire who works by following his dream with hard work and dedication, schooling ect. Then add media to equation the guy should use brain alittle more. If he sucked it up and called police at front desk or just grappled her to stop the attacking, he would be more respected by everyone. Its his fault he acted like a punk. Shes clearly out of order and should/would/will(the next time) be arrested. as someone who takes abuse by people well over 3x her size, he could have handled it with more respect. Then add that kids look up to him and his job should be terminated.

This other guy hits his 4 YEAR OLD to point his balls are bleeding and they play him to ait for a court hearing? The evidence is obvious and he is guilty and admitting guilt so whats there to wait on? How much court fees will be paid? He will be prosecuted... wost part of all of this is nfl is alllowing it to happen. Nfl promotes these athletes as icon figures and allowing them to play is teaching kids who they should look up to and what actions are acceptable .

IMO, sports figures have more of there job than just whats on the field. As a paid role model such aggresive stuff should get you fired. The nfl should see these guys and there actions as a threat to what morals they have in buisiness. Also they should make it clear to players that there actions off the field will affect there job... who knows maybe players will stop being gang members and think cause they are rich they cN murder people.
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Well-Known Member
It's Sunday so let's kick it off!!

That football players girlfriend was wailing on him in that elevator. Didnt she have some sort of responsibility for being in control? Is she going to be brought up on assault charges as well? It is clear that she hit him first, doesnt he have a right to defend himself? Is size the dermining factor? What if she injured him in some way that reduced his contract by millions of dollars?

Why is it politically correct for some people to be completely out of control while it is forbidden for others?

She married him for his money and now they're going to cut off the gravy train. Sucks to be her


Well-Known Member
initiation does not a backhand knockout make.

that MONKEY should have been in jail..only 2 games? :lol: NFL standard is 6-games for a wife beat.

some question.."why does the NFL even HAVE such rules"?


Blacks (yes even the Pro's) are notorious WIFE BEATERS!

the most interesting portion of the YT (sociologically speaking) was after he knocked her out..that second or it..remorseless..just biz as usual.

cold orenthal, real cold.
Is that based on personal experience? Or are you just a fan of chris brown?