

Well-Known Member
You obviously are a troll so stop trying to convince people different I mean who creates a thread called authority but yet the thread has nothing to do with it I'm not stupid man come on now
It is about how all the trolls here think they are authorities.

I get told to get haircuts and buy stuff and to stop being cooler than people EVERY DAY, ALL DAY. (so many of you just stop by to be like "you know you aren't cool right" which proves you are just mad about something I do)

This is a stoner forum. If you guys aren't here because you work in a dispensary and are bored, or are 18-25 in a dorm smoking, or you get paid from youtube and blogging about weed, or you have a warrant in your home state so you aren't home, then you are just stoned losers. And I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY.

Just because you guys smoke weed does not mean you are cool or you know me in any way. So thank you all for trying to do whatever you are trying to do (help me supposedly) but you can stop. Unless you are just trolling, in which case, you would of course, not stop.


Well-Known Member
It is about how all the trolls here think they are authorities.

I get told to get haircuts and buy stuff and to stop being cooler than people EVERY DAY, ALL DAY. (so many of you just stop by to be like "you know you aren't cool right" which proves you are just mad about something I do)

This is a stoner forum. If you guys aren't here because you work in a dispensary and are bored, or are 18 in a dorm smoking, or you get paid from youtube and blogging about weed, or you have a warrant in your home state so you aren't home, then you are just stoned losers. And I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY.

Just because you guys smoke weed does not mean you are cool or you know me in any way. So thank you all for trying to do whatever you are trying to do (help me supposedly) but you can stop. Unless you are just trolling, in which case, you would of course, not stop.
Dictating now, unless we are a specific demographic we are losers...says Swami couchsurfer who has a rationalization for everything


Well-Known Member
Dictating now, unless we are a specific demographic we are losers...says Swami couchsurfer who has a rationalization for everything
Why are you even following me from thread to thread? What is your goal here? To make it through another night without killing yourself? :lol: You are ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
Why are you even following me from thread to thread? What is your goal here? To make it through another night without killing yourself? :lol: You are ridiculous.
No, it's so I don't kick the young dog I have...a sweet but ultra energetic GS. I abhor animal cruelty....I don't consider you an animal; thus the dog isn't kicked and is happy; and I have a means of dissipating hostility. Think of yourself as a dog training'll look good on your various internet "about me"....Fin Shaggy, dog trainer


Well-Known Member
No, it's so I don't kick the young dog I have...a sweet but ultra energetic GS. I abhor animal cruelty....I don't consider you an animal; thus the dog isn't kicked and is happy; and I have a means of dissipating hostility. Think of yourself as a dog training'll look good on your various internet "about me"....Fin Shaggy, dog trainer
Ok, that's fine. Weird and kinda messed up, but ok. Keep trolling me please.

Dyna Ryda

Well-Known Member
It is about how all the trolls here think they are authorities.

I get told to get haircuts and buy stuff and to stop being cooler than people EVERY DAY, ALL DAY. (so many of you just stop by to be like "you know you aren't cool right" which proves you are just mad about something I do)

This is a stoner forum. If you guys aren't here because you work in a dispensary and are bored, or are 18-25 in a dorm smoking, or you get paid from youtube and blogging about weed, or you have a warrant in your home state so you aren't home, then you are just stoned losers. And I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY.

Just because you guys smoke weed does not mean you are cool or you know me in any way. So thank you all for trying to do whatever you are trying to do (help me supposedly) but you can stop. Unless you are just trolling, in which case, you would of course, not stop.


Well-Known Member
I thought everyone here was like 20 something when I joined around 2010, but I slowly learned that everyone is like 40+

And I have noticed something strange. Pretty much everyone here is someone that if you said "Well, the Pope said" they would be like "Fuck the Pope" and if you told them "The President said" they would be like "Fuck the President".

But at the same time, they are all like "I am an asshole and I say do THIS".

What is the deal there?
Im too inferrior to understand your wisdom.
In other words,
Fuck the pope.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
NO ONE is trolling you

just because a person realizes that you are full of shit and responds to your being full of shit , it does not make them a troll
Who made you the troll police. . You old men and your unquenchable thirst for authority ...u seem to be the type that fins talking about I bet you bad mouth our president!! Smh...@finshaggy stop perpetrating everyone knows after you found out @neveah was and is the prophet you got jealous and wanted to be a prophet and then you started your church fool...come on its so obvious you want to be someone your not there's only one prophet bro.. and we all know ITS NOT YOU!

Edit! That's why it took so long to even consider interviewing him. .your sluggishness spoke volumes! Jelousy is the devils main weapon and the foundation of your fake church is built on it!!! By the time you got around to the real prophet interview christ oliveras mom cut the wifi... that's bologna man!!
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Well-Known Member
I thought everyone here was like 20 something when I joined around 2010, but I slowly learned that everyone is like 40+

And I have noticed something strange. Pretty much everyone here is someone that if you said "Well, the Pope said" they would be like "Fuck the Pope" and if you told them "The President said" they would be like "Fuck the President".

But at the same time, they are all like "I am an asshole and I say do THIS".

What is the deal there?
Hi Finny! Never met ya before. Never saw a vid, and this may be one of the first posts of yours I've actually read instead of just skimmed over...

Buuuuut - if you start a thread that says "PRETTY MUCH EVERYONE HERE", and then say "ALWAYS DO THIS" - people gonna be pissed.

You can't, for one hot second, pretend that you know everyone here, at all. Maybe not even anyone here - but I don't know who you know and I can't pretend to know; you know?

Unless you have met, and gotten to know someone, then don't make generalizations about them. That's racist, fascist, and super-silly-dilly-dokieo...

I said 3 things at the end....just to cover all bases.

Get it?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
Fin has some kinda deal where he gets paid for views and replies on here and youtube. He said it many times about how he likes when when we "troll" him because it counts as hits for him.
wow! if that's true, it explains a lot. even in this thread, i asked what the purpose was. so i guess i can stop clicking on his stuff. before, i was curious sometimes, now, not so much, lol. capitalism at work...


Well-Known Member
Omg why are people hating on finshaggy I'm a big fan ur the man
Quickly somebody putt there ball's on this guy....:cuss::cuss:

Why are you even following me from thread to thread? What is your goal here? To make it through another night without killing yourself? :lol: You are ridiculous.
No the goal is to UB you into submission ...To watch you take your towel headed self to Iraq or wherever it is you pretend to be from and see how lovingly you are embraced


Well-Known Member

Don't pretend you didn't come to my threads to hate me. I know that everyone that is still posting in my threads is there for flaming. The people that read and watch videos but don't comment on the threads, stopped commenting a LONG time ago.

I could get into exactly when they stopped commenting, but that is like a whole story about Florida and Mexico and me being gone for a long time and trolls waiting for me at the door like dogs.

The point is, I knew you were a troll when you came to me acting like you were friendly, but not actually reading anything I had written.

I actually enjoy some of your Videos especially the one explaining different ways to lucid dream im actually gonna try the string method


I also love seeing the trolling on your threads lol there too funny