FYI, one of the most knowledgeable members
just posted an efficiency chart (<<link) which shows HydroGrowLED Sol near the bottom of the list. I don't know what LEDs HGL uses. I don't think you do either.
But, it's my belief that all these guys (HGL, Blackdog, GrowBlu, Lush) are just rebranded Chinese imports sold at a premium with a lot of glitzy web-page "come on." I'm sure they grow well. But, I believe a side-by-side with TopLED/LG/MarsHydro (I wish they'd settle on a name) would reveal they're not much improved.
And then there's the drama HGL and its owner are renowned for. If the lights laid golden eggs I could understand using them. But, they don't seem like anything special.
I'm not going to heckle you with back/forth posts. I urge others not to either. Just wanted to contribute another data point.