Club 600


Well-Known Member
I've always just used straight tap water Phd to 5.6 in my aero cloner and had great results.

But I've never really had problems cloning either....
Same here giggles, but now my tap water is 8ph and near 300ppm :( I've never used ro before now and the only thing I know about ro is to add calmag, it's so brutal cloning for so long without a problem then out of no where nothing works, all I need is 6 clones and it's proving to be impossible now lol


Well-Known Member
Same here giggles, but now my tap water is 8ph and near 300ppm :( I've never used ro before now and the only thing I know about ro is to add calmag, it's so brutal cloning for so long without a problem then out of no where nothing works, all I need is 6 clones and it's proving to be impossible now lol
I can't remember are you growing in soil or hydro?

Try this is your cloner. Ph down with your 8 water to 5.6-5.8. Try to keep your ppm below 800 if possible. Honestly I never watch ppm but hey if you're into that. Throw in a dash of super thrive and a dash of willow extract.

When taking cuts I take a bout 10 at a time and place them in a bottle of water, then I let them sit and take 10 more into another bottle and once that's done I go back to the first 10 and take them out and cut them at a 45 and then place them into a solution. Which is just an organic rooting tea. Then once I've done that I give one last final cut and place into the medium.


Well-Known Member
I do hydro for vegging and flowering and my mothers I keep in soil. I'll try to use the tap water again, and the willow I've been hearing about quite a bit over the years but haven't tried it but would like to, I just think my tap water is starting to go bad because over the last few months when I water my plants even after I ph it, my plants were acting funny, then I started watering with spring water and they perked up :/ I'd like to use the tap water because it would be so much easier but I think there's something in it causing problems but I'm not sure what


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who is a retired engineer who is a pretty good handyman and he started a business called "Honey Do", which are the odd jobs that the homeowner can't or won't do....and he stays booked.

Handyman companies are a dime a dozen here. I advertise for general contractor type work as well as handyman work. I can't afford to pay for any advertising right now so I take advantage of whatever is free. It's just not producing enough to pay the bills right now. I'm just trying to stay positive and keep forging ahead each day. Hopefully something will break loose soon, I'm tired of being broke.


Well-Known Member
I've always just used straight tap water Phd to 5.6 in my aero cloner and had great results.

But I've never really had problems cloning either....
Same here giggles, but now my tap water is 8ph and near 300ppm :( I've never used ro before now and the only thing I know about ro is to add calmag, it's so brutal cloning for so long without a problem then out of no where nothing works, all I need is 6 clones and it's proving to be impossible now lol
Alpa, Im also an aero user 100% success with non PH'ed tap water
mine runs 8.5+ with 560+ ppm
no hormones,or nutes
just cut & plug
this is the one I use, cheap ($70) but effective..


good luck


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reassurance @BobBitchen I just changed out the water with fresh 80 degree tap water and added some clear rez. I think what I'll do is change out the water daily from here on out and see if that helps. I know the best wager temp is 80s for rooting but that's also the temps bad stuff grows in, go figure lol. But if I change out the water everyday and add extra chlorine I don't think it will have a chance to grow (I hope) I really need these babies to pull through, if this fails I'll probably go back to an Aero cloner too, right now I'm using a bubble cloner, but I always had great luck with the aero. I have a wager pump already and I just found a Aero pvc manifold on eBay for $20 so I might build a little 5 gallon Aero bucket for the future. Once I get something flowering I'll have time to experiment a little more


Well-Known Member
Here's some phone pics from last night right before the light came on.
IMAG1180.jpg IMAG1181.jpg IMAG1186.jpg
I rearranged my veg space and got the plants on the floor so I now have room for growth. I had to lower the lights and they're still kind of high right now. I want to see how much stretch I get with them this high and will go from there.
IMAG1187.jpg IMAG1189.jpg


Well-Known Member