
yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
this is what im about to clip, im nervous because lol i dont know its ready or not. i have been doing a lot of research and the only answer i can come up with is "use a magnify scope 30x or better" but i dont have one so im going by the pistils

here some pics of what im talking about

no flash CAM01143.jpgCAM01140.jpg CAM01139.jpg with flash CAM01142.jpg CAM01141.jpg CAM01137.jpg
Cutting fan leaves does the opposite of what you think it does. The fan leaves is how th plant grows and takes in light and breathes co2. You've stunted your bud growth thusly. Too much light hitting the buds can also degrade the tricoms. But also they look like the made need another week or so and you're burning them with too high nuit ppm. Get any magnifying glass (but hopefully a 10x at least) and look at your tricoms if you start to see amber ones you're probably ready, if they're mostly clear not ready, mostly cloudy with lil bits of amber is the key
Cutting fan leaves does the opposite of what you think it does. The fan leaves is how th plant grows and takes in light and breathes co2. You've stunted your bud growth thusly. Too much light hitting the buds can also degrade the tricoms. But also they look like the made need another week or so and you're burning them with too high nuit ppm. Get any magnifying glass (but hopefully a 10x at least) and look at your tricoms if you start to see amber ones you're probably ready, if they're mostly clear not ready, mostly cloudy with lil bits of amber is the key

ooooh, i kept coming across some growers in some of the research i was doing and they said "if u cut off the fan leaves and get direct light to the buds, they will produce bigger buds." i know u shouldnt cut the fan leaves, i just wanted to try it and i cut it wrong anyway. they said its another type of growing method which takes a LOT of knowledge to do that method. i thought i could study the video and do it.

so u are saying that i should flush it and just use water for the next week or two..?

question, why is the only way i can tell its ready or not only through a magnifying glass? :)
You don't have to have a scope or magnifying glass, but if harvesting strictly off trichomes then a scope is a must.
ooooh, i kept coming across some growers in some of the research i was doing and they said "if u cut off the fan leaves and get direct light to the buds, they will produce bigger buds." i know u shouldnt cut the fan leaves, i just wanted to try it and i cut it wrong anyway. they said its another type of growing method which takes a LOT of knowledge to do that method. i thought i could study the video and do it.

so u are saying that i should flush it and just use water for the next week or two..?

question, why is the only way i can tell its ready or not only through a magnifying glass? :)

There's a podcast you should listen to " high times magazines: free weed with Danny danko" soo much good info there from the best growers in the world, like Dj short.

The tricoms are the only way you can tell if your stuff is ready they turn different colors as the plant matures clear,cloudy white, and amber. Not all trics are going to be same shade but you want to cut when you have mostly cloudy trics, like 10% amber and 5%clear.

The buds do not absorb light there is hardly any chlorophyll in them, cholorophyll are the cells in a plant that absorb light energy, the majority of chlorophyll is in the fan leaves that is why they are so big to absorb as much light and co2(via small pours underneath the fan leaves) so if you cut them the cut your chances of big buds immensely. There are such things as lollipops but I've been hearing from top growers that you don't really want to do that either as different but equally amazing cannabanoids will grow in those small popcorn buds. Basically the plant knows a lot more than you. So just make sure it has the proper amount of nuits,light,co2, and environment and it will thank you by way of making mind soaring bud.
@joespit, why wouldnt u do lollipopping? if u was to do a certain grow a different way besides the basics, what would it be.?

@Cobnobuler, lol hell yeah its worth $12.!! shiiit'd...lol. i just got back looking for one and everything is closed.! and the ones that did have one was a 2x which everyone is saying "use a 3x or a 10x scope" lol
question, would a LED double eye jeweler watch repair glass magnifier glass work? it has a 10x, 15x, 20x, and 25x magnifier loupe.!
i just went and bought a magnifier glass and come to fine out that there are apps for magnifiers and microscopes and their alright, check it out

magnifier.jpg CM140917_16280403.jpg

i'll take more when my light come on