How would you clone if you were me?


Well-Known Member
here is my situation, I have many branches, trimmed a few leafs, the plants are about to enter flower, its not too late to switch back to veg, I have no humidity hood, yet I think I can make one, I haven't gotten any cloning gels yet. correct me if im wrong but I cut a branch off, apply cloning gel, place in soil and wait till I see signs of rooting. does placing the branch in water until roots form help? ive tried cloning before, but the leaves just wilt and it dies.

what am I doing wrong? how would you do it? any other advice?
There are a lot of cloning methods on YouTube, not being sarcastic. I've come to find that it's very important to sterilize your scissors or whatever you use
First off you can take the clones now, heck you could even wait until they are in flower (however your rooting time will drastically increase) Couple pointers:
1) Select a branch that has atleast 3 nodes, even better more if you can
2) Sterilize after each cut
3) Immediately place all cuttings in water after they are cut (otherwise air is sucked into the stem and it hinders rooting and stem intake)
4) Cut off at a 45 degree angle, then cut off one or two nodes leaving slight nubs (roots seem to form easier from these). I also cut my large leaves off by 1/4 to 1/2 (this way the plant doesn't have to use as much effort to support these leaves)
5) Dip in rooting gel (this is NOT essential, however it will speed up time and over all outcomes)
6) Place in moist soil (Not soaking wet, moist) I prefer rockwool cubes, but i have done soil and it does work
7) keep humidity up in the area, i spray water atleast once a day (dont get carried away otherwise the leaves will turn to mush) also fan the air out to exchange it with fresh o2 and co2

PS: You could make a simple humidity dome with a clear bag, just put your pots or trays in it, poke a hole or two and make sure the bag doesnt rest directly on the plants (prop up with sticks or something) and seal the other end (maybe a bread clip)
There are a lot of cloning methods on YouTube, not being sarcastic. I've come to find that it's very important to sterilize your scissors or whatever you use

I'll add, when I first tried cloning, I was using a razor blade. Always a new blade to prevent any contamination.... My clones always died... Why? New razors have a thin layer of oil on them to prevent rusting... Clean your blades even if it's new.

You might try a couple of methods since you have so many branches. A file bin or a cut 2 litre bottle can substitute a humidity dome. Even a zip lock bag over a party cup will do.

There's a little more to it, but the search bar above or youtube will show you many ways to do it.

I see above someone posted great directions while I was typing..
After awhile You will get tired of writing all of that Dr Tomb so copy and paste it somewhere..Trust Me...Everyone has their own way and mine is different but always room for improvement.Vid's leave out really important detail's.I find new product's fast because I live a mile from Texas Growers Supply..Always someone improving.I got this stuff called "Life" or Live the other day and it just blows all of the gel's and presoak's away...Got to get a dome though Bro so go to Walmart and buy a cake and pick out your dome..They make the coolest wicked sized clone domes....Think of it as buying a custom dome and it comes with a free Cake...
Aswome good info, I got some regular flowers outside, im going to practice a bit with those, then try to clone the mary, last time I tried it wilted and died in a day, I suppose it would be the lack of humidity, or the way I cut it. thanks all.