Raspberry Vodka Fertilizer


Well-Known Member
I used some nasty vodka as fertilizer tonight on one of my girls.
Don't know what to expect.
Most likely it will now taste like raspberries?
No, don't you recall the cigar treatment? Bill had an interesting way of moistening his cigar before smoking!
You know, I always wondered which end he was... "moistening". Was he giving it a little sauce to taste while he smoked it like the sauce on the butt of a djarum black, or was he wetting the tip so it burns evenly, doesn't canoe down one side, and has that little extra pungency to the smoke?
You know, I always wondered which end he was... "moistening". Was he giving it a little sauce to taste while he smoked it like the sauce on the butt of a djarum black, or was he wetting the tip so it burns evenly, doesn't canoe down one side, and has that little extra pungency to the smoke?
Gotta love that extra stank, no matter how it gets there!
You know, I always wondered which end he was... "moistening". Was he giving it a little sauce to taste while he smoked it like the sauce on the butt of a djarum black, or was he wetting the tip so it burns evenly, doesn't canoe down one side, and has that little extra pungency to the smoke?
A combination of the two