prostate cancer at 52..was told today

Bad news is that it's cancer. The good news is that it's generally one of the slowest to progress and thus relatively benign. Caught it early, I hope? That's good too. There is much to be thankful for in any dark moment...

My grandfather had it for over fifteen years and died of an unrelated cause. I'm sure treatment is even better now.

Best of luck to you, and I have it on the best authority that weed really helps, lol
Hey Man,There is a fellow on here "old goat" I believe & with super silver haze got his #s down 'till the Dr told him not to worry about it any longer. That's the way I remember it.It was past all the legal states in that next group of post. Gl
Thanks people:grin:..My diagnosis is bad. cancer is past the prostate into the lymph system though maybe not into my bones. Not 2 be negative but there is a good chance I won't see next year. peace:peace::peace:
Thanks man. I think people are so afraid of cancer that they hardly respond. There are some really caring folks out in Oregon and one of them is going to start me on RSO. It's a chance at life for me! :peace::grin::p:peace:
I guess I was a little apprehensive in commenting so you're right there.
Hopefully the RSO is a game changer for you, sincerely all the best.
Wanted to wish you luck. Good thoughts your way. LONNNGG history of prostate cancer in my family.. So you know Im high risk. I want to know if the RSO does anything for you. for sure watching this.
I am no clue's wife. This is the most horriblist thing that could have happened. We have been married 23 years, and we spend every moment together we can. We currently are contractors together, but met each other at work, had other businesses together...spent life finding ways to be together. In the woods, on the water, watching Judge Judy. He is embarking on a journey tomorrow to meet somebody who may save our life. I would like to talk to you, I have questions, probably not the ones you might think. Please pm me. I am so hopeful about this journey, I totally agree trying RSO. I told him I would make it for him on the way from the doctor the day he was told. I make/take golden dragon when I am able for migraines and anxiety. I have introduced it to our employee for anxiety and that 1/2 teaspoon in the morning with coffee is amazing. Okay, I believe. I believe the RSO will give me more time with no clue. Thanks for reading this.
Keep a doctor's finger
up your ass man..and PSA score every time they test your blood:peace::leaf:Tell the doc..don't be shy:peace::peace::leaf:

Gee I thought my doctor was rushing me at 49 to check my was my first physical since HS, lol.....I don't know if he checked my PSA.

How did they find yours ? Is it true you can have no problems yet have cancer---I guess so but if you don't mind, how did you find out you had cancer......and yeah, best of luck to you....are they talking surgery, I think I heard its the best way to slow it down but kiss sex goodbye...then again, sex can be more trouble then its worth, ha ha
Just ask em to check your PSA score each time they test your blood for stuff. as soon as they saw my score docs were looking at each other like wtf..I knew it was bad news
Just ask em to check your PSA score each time they test your blood for stuff. as soon as they saw my score docs were looking at each other like wtf..I knew it was bad news

And here some doc's are saying PSA gives too many false positives and the test isn't worth taking...have you heard about Dendreon, they have a treatment called Provenge, its very costly thou, like $90,000 US dollars..sometimes insurance will cover it
It's important to understand that the PSA Test is just an indicator, it is not a test for cancer. The PSA test looks at the bloodstream levels of a certain protein produced by the prostate. Unfortunately, there are several things that can cause that PSA to rise, which includes having prostate cancer. The reason some doctors are no longer recommending routine PSA screening is not because the test is inaccurate, it's because the results can be misinterpreted. Many men have gone down the path of surgery, radiation, and hormone therapy because of how those PSA test results were explained and (mis)understood.

I am a prostate cancer survivor and I continue to fight this disease today. I was diagnosed over three years ago as a result of a blood-screening my doctor ordered when I went to see her with a bad case of the flu. Had she not requested a PSA test in that blood screening, I might never have known I had prostate cancer. In most cases, there are no symptoms in the early to intermediate stages of the disease. It's not until late stage prostate cancer do symptoms appear, and by then it's typically too late for a cure. That's why it's so important for all men to have a "baseline" PSA screening at age 40, and then annually once you reach the age of 50.

On the positive side, Prostate Cancer is not necessarily the "death sentence" it once was. Most prostate cancers are typically slow-growing and by the time folks find out they have prostate cancer, in reality they've probably had it for several years or more. I know one person in my local prostate cancer support group (UsToo dot com) that has been battling prostate cancer for over 20 years. The important thing to remember is that you alone are your own best advocate. Doctors can suggest what they think is going on or what treatments might work better than others, etc., but it's up to you to research your options, deciding what treatments to accept, what drugs to put into your body, etc.

No Clue / RaraAvis - I recommend you check out HealingWell (all one word) dot com. They have an excellent forum devoted to Prostate Cancer. You will find many people there all dealing with prostate cancer to one degree or another. You will also find a great deal of information concerning the latest treatments available.

You are more than welcome to PM me if you would like to discuss anything privately.

Best of luck to the both of you.