America Wastes $22 Trillion In War On Poverty


Well-Known Member
Your assertion was that there wasn't one iota of socialism in our healthcare.

Keep lying, keep getting called out.

Momma! that man keeps pointing out my lies, he's TROLLING!
So you ARE saying that the healthcare system is socialized and I'm NOT just hearing voices in my head. Thanks for that confirmation that you did in fact say what I thought you did, now moving forward...

No, the healthcare system is not socialized. Of the entire system, only the VA has state provided goods and services, under state run economic infrastructure. EVERY SINGLE OTHER PIECE OF THE PIE IS PRIVATIZED! However, the VA healthcare is only available to veterans with service connected disability. Everyone else who goes to the VA uses their own insurance or is billed directly.


Well-Known Member
So you ARE saying that the healthcare system is socialized and I'm NOT just hearing voices in my head.

I'm saying our healthcare system is a mixed market.

Do you just not understand what that means? Maybe you are just not bright and not really making shit up.


Well-Known Member
No, it is a private market. The socialized part isn't available to the market.
So... medicare, medicaid, SSID and insurance subsidies are not available? County and university hospitals don't exist? Critical access hospitals that get money from medicare to pay ALL costs are not available in the market? The VA system doesn't treat millions?

It really is a mixed market. I'm willing to bet you won't find anyone else but you that doesn't think so.


Well-Known Member
So... medicare, medicaid, SSID and insurance subsidies are not available?
Yes, they are, and they also rely on private economic infrastructure, private hospitals, private insurance, private drug supplies.

Subsidies are not a form of socialism. They are funds paid to private enterprise.


Well-Known Member
Followed by "There is not one single definition for a mixed economy".

However, capitalism is very clearly defined as an economy in which economic infrastructure is privately owned.


Well-Known Member
yes, the very next sentence in the "definition" is "There is not one single definition for a mixed economy"

but I'm sure you knew that. You would never cherry pick a tiny snippet of a "definition" that suited your argument and omit the very next part which doesn't. You're far too honest.

I dare you to click on the little [2] right after it.