So I saw this today.......(pic)


Well-Known Member
it was bound to happen sooner or later. I say, if your ass can stand on a street corner all day, every day, then your junk ass can get a job somewhere, doing something.

I say if he needs weed, drive by and smack him in the bare legs with a bull nettle ( thistle ) and see how much more weed he needs after

Peace and take your bummin' ass elsewhere.



Well-Known Member
it was bound to happen sooner or later. I say, if your ass can stand on a street corner all day, every day, then your junk ass can get a job somewhere, doing something.

I say if he needs weed, drive by and smack him in the bare legs with a bull nettle ( thistle ) and see how much more weed he needs after

Peace and take your bummin' ass elsewhere.

When I lived in Dallas, a radio station guy went out on a corner to panhandle to see how much he could make...he made $240 in one day. ffs!
ThEN last year a very round woman was standing infront of Little Ceasars Pizza with a sign that said " I'm not going to lie, I want a pizza" ffs!
Whats happened to this world?


Well-Known Member
down on Colfax there's plenty of panhandlers with signs like that. I saw one that read "stoner, need weed" and one that said "need money for vodka and cigarettes".
Their honesty is ALMOST enough for me to donate.
These people with signs that say "homeless anything helps" and they've been working the same corner for months just doesn't pan out.


Active Member
down on Colfax there's plenty of panhandlers with signs like that. I saw one that read "stoner, need weed" and one that said "need money for vodka and cigarettes".
Their honesty is ALMOST enough for me to donate.
These people with signs that say "homeless anything helps" and they've been working the same corner for months just doesn't pan out.
im all for honesty

' need money for herion '

' need herion to mug an old lady '

' need an old lady for money '

' need money for herion '