What you guys think of these kits

You just hurt my brain...I'm not sure how but you managed to do it
i knew someone who had 1 million shroooom's once.
Holy crap! How many flushes have you gotten from each?

i only go to two flushes with each kit but im sure u can get 3 or 4

yes loads of the first pic ( look like an nipple)
years of nipple jokes on shrooms wtf

and the 2nd flyigary or something, we use to call them knome shrooms ( garden knomes sit on them)

there all Psilocybe cubensis 1.albino a+ 2.albino a+ 3.golden teachers and 4.cambodia none of these grow in uk
Hears a list of mushrooms that grow in England United Kingdom uk
Conocybe kuehneriana
Gymnopilus junonius
Gymnopilus purpuratus
Inocybe corydalina var. corydalina (Many deadly look-alikes, Inocybes are not recommended for hunting)
Inocybe haemacta
Panaeolus cinctulus
Panaeolus fimicola
Panaeolus olivaceus
Pluteus salicinus
Psilocybe cyanescens
Psilocybe fimetaria
Psilocybe semilanceata
Psilocybe strictipes

as you see no psilocybe cubensis
Hears a list of mushrooms that grow in England United Kingdom uk
Conocybe kuehneriana
Gymnopilus junonius
Gymnopilus purpuratus
Inocybe corydalina var. corydalina (Many deadly look-alikes, Inocybes are not recommended for hunting)
Inocybe haemacta
Panaeolus cinctulus
Panaeolus fimicola
Panaeolus olivaceus
Pluteus salicinus
Psilocybe cyanescens
Psilocybe fimetaria
Psilocybe semilanceata
Psilocybe strictipes

as you see no psilocybe cubensis
has the your first pic got a mushroom in your list^^ that looks exactly the same , because iv been picking ones what look like the 1st pic for 25 years, ?
The top 2 look really potent. I wonder if the "Albino" skin has anything to do with it, or are they just packed with psilocybin?
I want to try growin shrooms but no clue how easy is it? My dad always scared. E from doin it, I used to move a lot of em loved tripping on weekends in motels lights off shades closed, hahaha love to trip, any way my dad told me all the time how dangerous it is to make your own if you don't know what your doin, I never wanted to kill anybody so I've never grew em