Purple Kush not turning purple :/

I bought some seeds from crop king seeds online. The picture on their website looks very purple however mine have been flowering since August and show no signs of purple. I am growing outdoors in California. Am I doing something wrong? Did I get fake PK seeds?The plants look very healthy and green but not the color I hoped for.



Well-Known Member
theres different phenos to every plant when you buy seeds so your not always going to get that super purple pheno like you see in the photo. Also i know my purple urkle puts on her color at the end of flowering. Maybe just give it a few more weeks and you might see a lot more purple.


Well-Known Member
I bought some seeds from crop king seeds online. The picture on their website looks very purple however mine have been flowering since August and show no signs of purple. I am growing outdoors in California. Am I doing something wrong? Did I get fake PK seeds?The plants look very healthy and green but not the color I hoped for.
i have some grand daddy purple 3 weeks from seed they have a little showing of purple not heaps but i can see the leaves getting more purple as the dayz go on


Well-Known Member
I got a cut a cut of purple k from a local dispensary. There's wasnt purple when I bought a sample of their product. Still good tho. Mine isn't purple yet and it's got all the way down to 34 a couple nights here. So ya like some ppl said just depends on the pheno. Best of luck tho, hopefully it does! I'm hoping if we get a light frost mine will