anyone watch ktva 11 tononight

HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! She went out like a boss!@AKrbb907 @AlaskaHashMan @fuckcancer87 You gotta watch this shit! I was gonna post it after I saw it last night but I saw it here already
She went out like a G true... but she makes out industry look like jump off hoes.... i wish she wouldve done it w a little more cooth. Now the "No" camp is gonna have more fuel for their fire. "look at how the news lady smoked weed and went nuts and quit her job w no regard for the thousands of citizens she broadcasts too" I can hear it now......
I honestly think that gives prop 2 a better chance at winning. I was starting to have my doubts but after watching this I think it will pass no problem.
I Love go girl. I do not for one minute believe that her behaviour at all diminishes the question of marijuana use whether medical or recreational. She just chose her 'forum' on which to express her views. Now, once Fox noise gets a hold of it and puts it through the 'spin' cycle a few times she'll be in 'league with the devil'
She went out like a G true... but she makes out industry look like jump off hoes.... i wish she wouldve done it w a little more cooth. Now the "No" camp is gonna have more fuel for their fire. "look at how the news lady smoked weed and went nuts and quit her job w no regard for the thousands of citizens she broadcasts too" I can hear it now......

My guess is her work environment was somewhat toxic for her to do that.

But it was funny as Fuck !
Friend of mine in New Zealand said it made it to his local news hour too... The whole world is watching Alaska now...
Well looks like Charlo will be becoming a spokesperson for the AK cause, although it may be awkward for KTVA reporters to call on her in the future if she does. At least she's a hottie, or should I say a smokin hot articulate motivated stoner babe!:clap:

While she could have perhaps executed it a little better, I for one am stoked for her move and see this as one more step toward NORMALIZATION of the herb, and herb users, it just shows that there's another professional stoner out there, fed up with the whacked system. She deserves bowls toasted in honor of her move, if not more. I mean is there a "Charlo Greene" strain out there yet?!

Far as her saying that she didn't have a choice, well I bet that she just came clean to the station about her conflict of interest in reporting on the industry. She'd just gone to CO and WA for this week-long enterprising story to show viewers what AK might expect to see if we legalize, on the station's dime, and all while running/preparing to run the new cannabis org here. Can't say I blame her on the double dip but I imagine her bosses were pissed. So I'd wager that she either came clean to her bosses or was called out on it, and the station probably told her to make a choice between the two gig. So she did.
Far as her saying that she didn't have a choice, well I bet that she just came clean to the station about her conflict of interest in reporting on the industry. She'd just gone to CO and WA for this week-long enterprising story to show viewers what AK might expect to see if we legalize, on the station's dime, and all while running/preparing to run the new cannabis org here. Can't say I blame her on the double dip but I imagine her bosses were pissed. So I'd wager that she either came clean to her bosses or was called out on it, and the station probably told her to make a choice between the two gig. So she did.
Interesting, many people that I told this same thing too (the double dipping) didn't understand what I was explaining. I'm glad that you are informed!