She went out like a G true... but she makes out industry look like jump off hoes.... i wish she wouldve done it w a little more cooth. Now the "No" camp is gonna have more fuel for their fire. "look at how the news lady smoked weed and went nuts and quit her job w no regard for the thousands of citizens she broadcasts too" I can hear it now......HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! She went out like a boss!@AKrbb907 @AlaskaHashMan @fuckcancer87 You gotta watch this shit! I was gonna post it after I saw it last night but I saw it here already
She went out like a G true... but she makes out industry look like jump off hoes.... i wish she wouldve done it w a little more cooth. Now the "No" camp is gonna have more fuel for their fire. "look at how the news lady smoked weed and went nuts and quit her job w no regard for the thousands of citizens she broadcasts too" I can hear it now......
Interesting, many people that I told this same thing too (the double dipping) didn't understand what I was explaining. I'm glad that you are informed!Far as her saying that she didn't have a choice, well I bet that she just came clean to the station about her conflict of interest in reporting on the industry. She'd just gone to CO and WA for this week-long enterprising story to show viewers what AK might expect to see if we legalize, on the station's dime, and all while running/preparing to run the new cannabis org here. Can't say I blame her on the double dip but I imagine her bosses were pissed. So I'd wager that she either came clean to her bosses or was called out on it, and the station probably told her to make a choice between the two gig. So she did.
Yeah, he says if we pass BM2 He'll throw a concert up here (whopty fuckin doo)woah snoop dog interviewed her!
Yeah, he says if we pass BM2 He'll throw a concert up here (whopty fuckin doo)
You already know its not gonna be free! Just to speculate, I'll say GA tickets will be $125.... VIP more like $250I'd go if its free..
Nice incentive really, I wonder if other artists would be willing to come up right after a prop 2 victory.