50 bag seed grow using Kratky method!


Well-Known Member
I am starting a 50 seed grow from bag seed. I have grown seeds from some of the best breeders in the business and thought it would be interesting to do a bag seed grow. These seeds are from some pretty good reggie that my girl got and I think it will make for some pretty decent plants. The weed was some Indica dominant hybrids and I hope to get at least half female. I will be using the Kratky method and this will be my first attempt at this kind of grow. Anyways, come along for the ride and help identify issues, strain, and pheno. below is a pic of the seeds in Rapid Rooters and a link to the "Kratky Method".
I am starting a 50 seed grow from bag seed. I have grown seeds from some of the best breeders in the business and thought it would be interesting to do a bag seed grow. These seeds are from some pretty good reggie that my girl got and I think it will make for some pretty decent plants. The weed was some Indica dominant hybrids and I hope to get at least half female. I will be using the Kratky method and this will be my first attempt at this kind of grow. Anyways, come along for the ride and help identify issues, strain, and pheno. below is a pic of the seeds in Rapid Rooters and a link to the "Kratky Method".
View attachment 3258218
That's a farm!!! (lol)
That should keep you busy awhile.
Good luck man.
So far only 18 have cracked. I have removed some and added 14 more, so we are back up to 50 potential. I may be spoiled as these are taking longer than seeds I have purchased.
Kratky method? This seems like it wants you to water ONCE the entire grow?? i dont think this is possible (easily at least) unless your gonna go 12/12 from seed! man youd have to have some serious buckets to support this process. also i feel like water would go stagnant and lose all DO making it not very productive.
I hope you keep this journal updated. I'm very interested in your technique.

I'm familiar with the potting device you're using but I'm very curious to see how you make it work with the water underneath.
I am starting a 50 seed grow from bag seed. I have grown seeds from some of the best breeders in the business and thought it would be interesting to do a bag seed grow. These seeds are from some pretty good reggie that my girl got and I think it will make for some pretty decent plants. The weed was some Indica dominant hybrids and I hope to get at least half female. I will be using the Kratky method and this will be my first attempt at this kind of grow. Anyways, come along for the ride and help identify issues, strain, and pheno. below is a pic of the seeds in Rapid Rooters and a link to the "Kratky Method".
View attachment 3258218

That is an interesting setup. Do you have the unit built yet?

It would be cool to have a 0 maintenance system. Even for herbs and spices.
Kratky method? This seems like it wants you to water ONCE the entire grow?? i dont think this is possible (easily at least) unless your gonna go 12/12 from seed! man youd have to have some serious buckets to support this process. also i feel like water would go stagnant and lose all DO making it not very productive.

I didn't read the whole .pdf just looked at the pictures. Do you put air stones or anything in the water? I agree with the stagnant water could be an issue. Maybe it isn't but I would recommend air stones to keep O2 diluted in the water. That's my 2 cents. I'll be following.
Well, we are down to 18 possibly 17 (this is why I buy good seeds). My reasoning for the Kratky method is that I think maybe the heat from the water pump, the warm air the air stones pull in, the nutrient solution, and the mixing of the water from these two may cause a perfect blend for harmful bacteria to grow. This is just my thoughts and nothing more, which is why I am trying this method.
By the by, this is the video that led me to this method.

Well that cleared up a whole bunch of questions for me. Pretty cool idea. I am thinking of making one just for salad greens and the like. Something small like 12" x 32" x 12" or something.
It may struggle but, that is why I am doing this. Also, cracking some more bag seeds so, the plant total may go up. Currently 20 have cracked and are looking good. Will start posting pics when they really get going. Also, I am using Miracle Gro tomato plant food and will be growing 12/12 from seed. I like Miracle Gro and have always used their soils with great results and the same can be said for the 12/12 method. However, I may be adding some calcium nitrate to the mix down the road.
What's up, Man!

Just drew up some designs for my salad garden Kratky Method.

Will be growing:
- Romaine
- Baby Bak Choy
- Broccoli
- Spinach
- Cilantro
- Green Onions
- Maybe Some other green but I don't think I will have room

I'll probably do 2 rows of Spinach and reduce the cilantro.

Here is the design:
Kratky Bed Design_ 9.29_ Dims.jpg Kratky Bed Design_ 9.29_ Food Labels.jpg Kratky Bed Design_ 9.29_ Front.jpg Kratky Bed Design_ 9.29_ Iso.jpg Kratky Bed Design_ 9.29_ Iso2.jpg Kratky Bed Design_ 9.29_ Right.jpg Kratky Bed Design_ 9.29_ Top.jpg
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Well, we are up to 47 seeds cracked and another 63 waiting! We had a few issues with sickly looking seedlings. So, we added rooting hormone to the tap root and they seem to be doing a lot better.
Well, we are up to 47 seeds cracked and another 63 waiting! We had a few issues with sickly looking seedlings. So, we added rooting hormone to the tap root and they seem to be doing a lot better.
I had a similar issue. I germinated 31 seeds from the same strain and only 17/31 have rooted well and the 17 have roots popping out of the rapid rooters. But I germinate my seeds via cup of water.