The Dons' Organic Garden

Hey brothamon, how moist does a cat want that newspaper on top of the soil.. it seems to need almost 2 squirts a day to stay moist, maybe my layer is too thin, or is breathing a bit a good thing? and how long should white fur take mon? and does it need like pitch pitch black? the bin doesn't even fit into many places lol its in the bathroom now, doors open 6" thanks @DonPetro


Cut down the BK Chernobyl a couple days early.. Saw a cluster of balls down low on Susy so I knocked her out!!!

it leaves the other four girls spaced out a bit finally.. She was a 7 to 9 week strain that made it to week 8.. Not bad. Didn't want to risk pushing it, hermi'ing, or pollinating any of the other girls

Here's a big fan leaf from her, still full of health. There's a lack of, LACK, of health.. The sugary sheen seen is thanks to the vibrant soil my man Petro cooked.. she had some vibrance last time when she finished too but not EVERY LEAF.. this time ALL leaves were shiny like this..very nice test / work for round 2.1 which saw a few amendments tailored to different ratios and the addition of some rock dusts. This girl was one that was fed NOTHING but RO water from day 1.. veg'd for about 7 weeks, she came down on day 54 of flower. for a china led this was spectacular. now on with the improvements. being mainlining attempt # 1.. next time will trim a bit more underneath if a cola dominant strain.. for sure. I like the top and LST though for the Chernobyl and hazes more.. for sure.

This was without leaf mould, zeolite, gypsum, as well our DIY led with tailored spectrums, our current projects.. DAM. Thats exciting..that said, can't wait to try her, she's a fair bit different than last time. Think i will take down the tents after this round and build a wider, single room where wheeled totes can roll out..
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@DonPetro what are your thoughts, brotha?

NWs should be used from start (either clone or seed ) at high power,
gradually decreasing to null ,after the first two weeks of 12/12 ...

WW 3000K is the basis ,and should be on ,from start to harvest ...
Increase - @ mid flowering ,peak in power- decrease

Deep reds ,should be gradually increase in power from the start ,
to peak during mid flowering and then gradually decrease afterwards ...
(could be in same channel as WW ? )

Far reds take over ,as their power should be increasing from mid flower ,peaking about harvest time ....

That is probably the closest "long term light quality alteration scheme " ,maching mj seasonal spectral
absorptance under natural sunlight ,using 4-5 different types of LEDs ...
( 3000K - 5000K -675 nm -720 nm -800 nm)
Things are progressing in the garden of Dons. Here is an early seedling pic; Bubba Kush×Chernobyl

i do wonder though what effect cutting the leaves off while still on the plant has.. as well as taking a sample and then not cutting it down.. seems to me toxins or something noticeable to the "connoisseur's pallet" would rush to the site of shock, and then need watering/drying and curing to 'flush' "them" out, for lack of a better word.. assuming a "them" exists, my stoned intuition reminds me.. @stowandgrow @DonPetro what you boys think mon?
EDIT: And also, if you mainline, would it be better to separate the mains, or leave them as "one".. just when drying.. not when curing (obviously).. stow what your drying game like mon
i do wonder though what effect cutting the leaves off while still on the plant has.. as well as taking a sample and then not cutting it down.. seems to me toxins or something noticeable to the "connoisseur's pallet" would rush to the site of shock, and then need watering/drying and curing to 'flush' "them" out, for lack of a better word.. assuming a "them" exists, my stoned intuition reminds me.. @stowandgrow @DonPetro what you boys think mon?
Dont over-think it
Dont over-think it
hahaha bro, IM NOT! you're the one who taught me to be so in tune with them, lmao.

don't bend them, water intimately, this promotes that, now I'm a Jr plant whisperer!

Look how much effort goes into building one light, and i don't consider that over thinking either. i call it smart. i call this a smart question too haha.
cutting down, this is something we do TIME and TIME again, every single time, no matter what.. reason i ask is, i want the cleanest smoke possible, and don't want to reverse any progress that i spent dozens or hundreds (Bforrest) of days in a row to perfect (smoothness)..

its a fair topic i must say, and an overlooked one, at that

In the human kingdom we have influxes of blood so calcium matrixes can thicken broken bones or pad contusions, and in the animal kingdom, the same thing, when you kill a cow it floods its system with adrenaline and acid from the urinary and digestive system, ultimately "tenderizing" the meat. Uric acid if i recall right? and in the plant world they use fiber, and that honey oil ooze, right. well if they can use those, and those "fixes" can form what else is traveling thru plant-vein-land, and how quickly does it settle there, and what does it taste like? Im wondering some deep shit, but thats what i do!
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Damn...she is most beautiful!!! Oh my!
FUCKIN RIGHTS BROTHA she is one hell of a sticky beaut! only tiny thing is i wonder if i didn't rotate her enough or what? see those tiny little triangles in the corners of some leaves? is that from something "hot" or the light bro? (not that she isn't extremely healthy, vibrant, dark green and glossy otherwise)
@DonPetro what are your thoughts, brotha?

NWs should be used from start (either clone or seed ) at high power,
gradually decreasing to null ,after the first two weeks of 12/12 ...

WW 3000K is the basis ,and should be on ,from start to harvest ...
Increase - @ mid flowering ,peak in power- decrease

Deep reds ,should be gradually increase in power from the start ,
to peak during mid flowering and then gradually decrease afterwards ...
(could be in same channel as WW ? )

Far reds take over ,as their power should be increasing from mid flower ,peaking about harvest time ....

That is probably the closest "long term light quality alteration scheme " ,maching mj seasonal spectral
absorptance under natural sunlight ,using 4-5 different types of LEDs ...
( 3000K - 5000K -675 nm -720 nm -800 nm)
btw this wasn't my handy work, its from a DIY LED thread, i forget who put it up but here's a shout out to whoever did, thanks dawg! what you thinking? I'm thinking a dimmer switch for each spectrum. can just one switch per spectrum handle the full tent though.. if our space is 80 inches wide (one single room).. light can't be 60 inches wide, the heatsink would weigh 180lbs! lol
btw this wasn't my handy work, its from a DIY LED thread, i forget who put it up but here's a shout out to whoever did, thanks dawg! what you thinking? I'm thinking a dimmer switch for each spectrum. can just one switch per spectrum handle the full tent though.. if our space is 80 inches wide (one single room).. light can't be 60 inches wide, the heatsink would weigh 180lbs! lol
Im working on a putting together a material list for small DIY project involving a single COB unit in a 3000k spectrum. I think together with the multi-spectrum panel even just one would easily replace the t5s and provide increased yield. Four of them alone even in just 3000k would likely out do the panel but im just speculating. So im just waiting for the funds to accumulate then gonna see what i can do.
What about a cob like positivity has, with 4 reds on it too. His little cabs pumpin more light than the red light district .. And maybe we make one better one together .. u and medium dog can always use the place while I'm out of country Rasta style 3 months ill pay the bills just help things stay running so lots of organic awaits me for when we reunite!!! 50/50 with a bigger space.. We could or i could start the forrest today, and you could finish. Thinking of a 3 month working vaycay & perhaps full cleanse. I knowwwwwww right .. Bit Serious. Starting around Xmas, lol.

Im working on a putting together a material list for small DIY project involving a single COB unit in a 3000k spectrum. I think together with the multi-spectrum panel even just one would easily replace the t5s and provide increased yield. Four of them alone even in just 3000k would likely out do the panel but im just speculating. So im just waiting for the funds to accumulate then gonna see what i can do.
What about a cob like positivity has, with 4 reds on it too. His little cabs pumpin more light than the red light district .. And maybe we make one better one together .. u and medium dog can always use the place while I'm out of country Rasta style 3 months ill pay the bills just help things stay running so lots of organic awaits me for when we reunite!!! 50/50 with a bigger space.. We could or i could start the forrest today, and you could finish. Thinking of a 3 month working vaycay & perhaps full cleanse. I knowwwwwww right .. Bit Serious. Starting around Xmas, lol.
Well my funds and expertise are quite limited when it comes to this project so if it turns out i can build a COB unit, the next one i'll try to incorporate some 660nm stars. A larger heat sink would be needed along with more fans. Also alot more soldering involved. I was originally going to go that route but COBs seem to be the most DIY friendly. And the heatsink/fan combo unit is really a bargain.
Well my funds and expertise are quite limited when it comes to this project so if it turns out i can build a COB unit, the next one i'll try to incorporate some 660nm stars. A larger heat sink would be needed along with more fans. Also alot more soldering involved. I was originally going to go that route but COBs seem to be the most DIY friendly. And the heatsink/fan combo unit is really a bargain.
well are we not gwan pool funds and expertise? for the 3rd time.. lol