Project Growroom


Well-Known Member
Ok everyone I didn't know exactly were to put this thread and since I'm building a grow room, I though I put it in the Indoor Growing thread.

When you look at the pictures, I've used red gloves to show you how big the room is going to be. From the wall to the gloves is 6ft and from glove to glove its 12ft. Check out my other grow journals that I'm calling projects. 4 possibly 6 different strains. The bagseeds are unknown and they are from two different bags.

So here is the list:
6x12x9ft room (I'll have a drawing spec put up whenever I get a chance)
-Mylar and also black/white sheeting - bought
-(2) 1000w HPS (air-cooled) -bought
-6" can-fan for air-cooling the 1000w HPS - bought
-(2) 12' vortex fans (one for exhaust and one for intake) - bought
- Carbon Filter. I'll be getting the Can125 - bought
Alternative Garden Supply - Hydroponics & Indoor Gardening Super Store
- 50 gallon drum for water, with hose and sprayer. Heating element and pump. - bought
- Climate Controller - bought
- AC unit - still need
- Humidifier - still need
- Lumber - still need



Well-Known Member
WOW I wish I had that much room. But I have free electricity........Great room Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum, Blackhawk. 2-12' fans? thats big man. Just a suggestion. It looks like you have a lot of room available. If I had that much room I'd go 8' wide. That would allow you two feet around all sides of 4' by 4' tables. By the time you get all the ventilation etc. set up you will see what I mean. Won't be much difference in lumber, just less waste. It will save your back. VV


Well-Known Member
Maybe I posted my dimensions wrong. I'll be changing it to 8' deep instead of 6' and 12' wide. Width and length in my mind is different on the way you look at it. from the wall it'll be 8' and then 12' in width. Either way it's the same square footage.

As far as the 12" fans goes, I've read that you want your fan to move the air in the grown room 3-5 times in one minute. So my fan true CFM rating with the carbon filter is around 892CFM or something in that range. The cubic feet of my room, widthxlengthxheight (8x12x9=864). Times that by 3-5:

3=2592 CFM
4=3456 CFM
5=4320 CFM

So with the addition of an oscillating fan and force induced 12" fan, I think it'll compensate. I don't know I maybe wrong, I'm not an architect or engineer when it comes to building grow rooms. But I'll definitely take your idea and move from 6' to 8'. I want to have room to move around in the grow room and I believe I have enough light power for the plants.

I'm up for any suggestions, like I said before I'm still in the process of drawing the plans on paper and will soon post it up for any suggestions or improvements before I buy the lumber.


Well-Known Member
Nice stuff man. I like to see people that go ALLLL OUUUTT!!
I have the same hoods by the way, i fuckin love em!! Good luck... looking forward to more pics!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Ahh it is good to see someone who has some space bought the right stuff to get it going and should be able to do a full out nice grow.All you need now is a co2 injection to double your yield.Keep the project comin.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Yeah, Man, things get all discombobulated when spread around the net. :blsmoke:

The general rule for ventilating a growroom is to move the cubic footage every 5 minutes. IOW for a 1000 cf room, use a 200 cfm exhaust. Now for more light heat, and curves in ducting, you will use more CFM, but that is the original rule.

HTH :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
2 -12" might be a little too much for a basement. which it looks like you will be putting it down there. with two fans you prolly wont need an A/C. it should stay cool down there even with those to lights. math is one thing to use when determining what you will need. but many times, due to curves and length of duct, after you set everything up you might have over done it or need to go back to the store. i bet you will find that one fan will be suffecient. i had the pleasure of visiting a friends grow in arcata cali and he had 6 1000w with oct hoods with 1 fan. it was 74 degrees at noon! and this was not in his basement. i have mine set up with 1 -1000w in an 5x5 area with a 6" inline @ 265 cfm i think. real small, for an oct hood like i have. also connected is a 3x5 veg with a 250w open hood. el cheapo 8" blower for intake (50$) air fresh from outside. 78.9 degrees at peak in my flower room. i try not to use A/C or heaters if i dont have to. and also if you do implement co2, it will be wasted as it gets sucked out from your beafy fans. air cooled hoods in line hooked up to the exaust will suck most of the heat out. and if you keep your ballast out of the grow room that will lower the temps as well. like i said, the basement is a lot cooler then anywhere else. and dark! for co2 theres mushroom kits for 150$. it is grat stuff. the mushroom last about 2 months and is cheap for a replacement. hope this helps. keep postin pics as you build your room. there can never be enough. oh yeah! my buddy said that if you put a filter on your intake, it can lower humidity up to 30%. i built mine out of the box my ballast came in and a A/C filter from home dePOT. 15$ total cost.


Well-Known Member
Ah...thanks guys for your responses, they have been very helpful. Maybe I went a little over board with the 12" fans, but I spoke with my buddy and will only use one for exhaust and just have passive holes for the intake. I haven't even opened the box for other 12" fan, so that still can be returned. I was being cautious about running the two 1000W HPS's and running into heat problems. My buddy had a grown room setup and it was the heat that killed his op. I'll put the A/C buying on hold until I get the room built and tested.

As an ETA of when I was going to have this built is this weekend. Friday (4/20) Yeah it'll be 420 my buddy and I will be going to the nearest HD, use our 20% off card, and will be buying all the necessary items to build this grow room. So by Sunday you guys will most likely have updated pictures. Chao


Well-Known Member
the 12" fans are fine Man. Look at your origianal post. Sorry, I didn't intend to get you off topic. Can we move on and forget I did that? VV


Well-Known Member
Dude, that is one very professional job you're doing there. Good work fellla. I'm very impressed. Can't wait to see it finished!

And is that a carbon filter in the left hand corner of the first pic? That is fuckin' massive!! Excellent stuff!!! :)


Active Member
hey blackhawk looks like i am going to build a room with the same dementions. i was wondering if your going to make a frame then put the mylar up or are you going to build a complete closed room out of the lumber? because i am having a problem choosing how to build my room. the only difference i have then the sapace you have is that i have only one side and the top that are not enclosed.


Well-Known Member
Ok gents and gals...just like I promised. I have the pictures of the grow room with the walls put up. I can say that this is the most pain the in ass job and I give all you carpenters out there kudos because being off a 1/2 inch can make things not fit right. No Bueno to that! But I've learned alot building this room and that precision measurements is key.

With that said my final measurements are 12' wide and 9' 6" deep. My final plans are to cut the board that is hanging off the doorway and put the door in. I've already measured and prefit the door and it fits perfectly. Thank god! After the door goes in, now its time to disinfect the room and ducked tape any gaps between the boards. The black/white tarp will go in, again ducked tape the gaps.

This room is going to be air tight. Once the black/white tarp is in, mylar will go in next. After the mylar will go the light fixtures and exhaust equipment. Electrical will most likely be put it sometime this coming weekend or the next. Final touch up will be done throughout the next couple of weeks until everything is in place. A lot of work still needs to be done, but its a working progress.

To answer all of your questions...

SnowWhite...Yes that is a huge carbon filter for the room. Its about 4 and half feet tall and weighs 92Lbs. This thing better take the smell out of the room(About 15-18 plants at one given point)! I paid about $250 for it.

Romaking...I couldn't understand exactly what your question is, but I've used moisture resistant boards that are 4x8ft. I know specs say that the 2x4 studs must be 16" from center, but I don't care, I used 24" to save me some lumber. I didn't just want to put up the framing and then the mylar, I wanted the room to be a room.



Well-Known Member
SnowWhite...Yes that is a huge carbon filter for the room. Its about 4 and half feet tall and weighs 92Lbs. This thing better take the smell out of the room(About 15-18 plants at one given point)! I paid about $250 for it.
WOW, that is a gigantic filter man! I had no idea you could get them so big! I reckon it'll do ya just fine. I've got a small 5" filter for my 6 plants and it does the job very nicely. I disconnected it for a test just to see how much it really works and I was very surprised how much of a difference it makes. You're putting some big effort into that room mate, respect! :joint: and good luck with everything!


Well-Known Member
That's alot of over kill with the fans. That size room and the lights you can cool the lights and clean the air in the room . How far do you have to run ducts for the fresh air ?With the 12" fan there alot more noise to think about.With a little foambroad thin plywood you can make a box for the fan that will quite down the fan noise a whole lot.You got some equipment there that will give you large yeilds .If I can help you with the build pm me.I'am a carpenter by trade. Looking good so far. Peace


Well-Known Member
That's alot of over kill with the fans. That size room and the lights you can cool the lights and clean the air in the room . How far do you have to run ducts for the fresh air ?With the 12" fan there alot more noise to think about.With a little foambroad thin plywood you can make a box for the fan that will quite down the fan noise a whole lot.You got some equipment there that will give you large yeilds .If I can help you with the build pm me.I'am a carpenter by trade. Looking good so far. Peace
Tokecrazy, you have a valid point with the foam board thin plywood to box around the 12" fan. I'm going to put that into consideration. I still have yet to turn on the fan with the room being built and will try that sometime when I get home today from work. Would dynomat or something similar would be better than the foam boards? My plan is to only used the 12" for exhaust and a couple of passive intakes to start. My other 12" fan for intake is in the box and will most likely be returned or sold back on ebay.

If I have any questions in regards to the buidling process, I'll definitely send you a PM. Thanks for the offer!

PS. Question to you guys, Is a couple of passive intakes better than one big passive intake? What sizes should I make the holes?