Well-Known Member
So what you're saying is, poor women are too stupid to not get pregnant...
See how that works?
so what you're saying is, poor people are stupid
So what you're saying is, poor women are too stupid to not get pregnant...
See how that works?
I happily lived on 50 pounds a week for all food and bills.
so what you're saying is, poor people are stupid
the poor will breed
So what you're saying is, birth control should be provided to women who can't afford it...
So what you're saying is, poor women are too stupid to not get pregnant...
See how that works?
scientific research has in fact concluded a correlation between poverty and increased fertility
So, what you're saying is women who can't afford to support kids should be sterilized.
So, what you're saying is women who can't afford to support kids should be sterilized.
what about men who can't afford to have kids?
what about men who can't afford to have kids?
Not denying it, just have never heard it. I know the poor tend to have more babies, as do the less intelligent.
What makes them more fertile though? Would you mind linking those studies?
no, it genrally has to do with the means to afford common birth control methods.
but good job at misogyny, goes well with the homophobic bigotry in the other thread, and your racism in most others.
When I see you've replied to a post of mine, I figure it's going to be Racist! herp derp something..
Well done man, you got three in. You left out "you joined a white supremacist holocaust denier anti-semite stormfront something something"
Oh, and you didn't draw a penis, points off for that one.
I linked several for you a couple days ago dummy. It only establishes correlation, only a dipshit like you would think correlation establishes causation.
you didn't join that group, you just defended desert dukkke's membership in that group.
your main thing is your hatred of civil rights and protectionism of racist food spitters.
So what you're saying is, poor men should be castrated.
With seven billion humans on the planet and squashing us with their carbon foot print, don't you think the world would be a healthier place with less humans? Isn't that what progressives want? Mother Gaia and all that.
Actually I didn't. Only a mentally deficient parasite would put those words in my mouth while I was asking for a citation.
I said there was correlation, so you asked me about causation. I showed you two or three studies several days ago.