Boehner says unemployed ‘don’t really want’ jobs

You are doing it now to make an argument against something I never said.

Yes, reread what I actually wrote without your own interpretation. Just take the words at face value and you will not have the same conclusion unless you are just dumb.

Dude, you really need to chill, that ulcer wasn't an accident. This isn't life or death, it's a pot forum.

for a so called medical professional, you sure as shit don't seem to know anything about ulcers.

and you act as if you cause me stress rather than amusement.

so which "geographical regions" didn't "evolve from the neck up"?

you said you'd be happy to clarify. so clarify.

unless, of course, you are the racist coward bitch i have pegged you for all along.
for a so called medical professional, you sure as shit don't seem to know anything about ulcers.

and you act as if you cause me stress rather than amusement.

so which "geographical regions" didn't "evolve from the neck up"?

you said you'd be happy to clarify. so clarify.

unless, of course, you are the racist coward bitch i have pegged you for all along.

If you actually read what you posted you would see that I said I am making no claims that one geographic region is more or less than any other, I'm just stating that the possibility of differences in evolution can exist further than just the neck down. I never went to skin pigmentation but you had to in order to make an argument. You have a sickness. I also pointed out to you that there are more colors in the rainbow than just black and white where you sole focus remains and you called me racist for it.

Sometimes I can't decide if you are purposefully dishonest or just not real bright.
If you actually read what you posted you would see that I said I am making no claims that one geographic region is more or less than any other, I'm just stating that the possibility of differences in evolution can exist further than just the neck down.

wow, did you manage to type that with a straight face?

I never went to skin pigmentation but you had to in order to make an argument. You have a sickness.

when did i mention skin pigmentation?

you did that, and for no reason.

i just want to know which "geographic regions" are less evolved "from the neck up", something which you claim makes them no "less" or "more", clearly not a euphemism designed to head off the inevitable superiority that i also never brought up.
wow, did you manage to type that with a straight face?

when did i mention skin pigmentation?

you did that, and for no reason.

i just want to know which "geographic regions" are less evolved "from the neck up", something which you claim makes them no "less" or "more", clearly not a euphemism designed to head off the inevitable superiority that i also never brought up.

When did you mention skin color? ffs man, when do you not?
wow, did you manage to type that with a straight face?

when did i mention skin pigmentation?

you did that, and for no reason.

i just want to know which "geographic regions" are less evolved "from the neck up", something which you claim makes them no "less" or "more", clearly not a euphemism designed to head off the inevitable superiority that i also never brought up.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” ~Mark Twain

valuable lesson right now
If you actually read what you posted you would see that I said I am making no claims that one geographic region is more or less than any other, I'm just stating that the possibility of differences in evolution can exist further than just the neck down. I never went to skin pigmentation but you had to in order to make an argument. You have a sickness. I also pointed out to you that there are more colors in the rainbow than just black and white where you sole focus remains and you called me racist for it.

Sometimes I can't decide if you are purposefully dishonest or just not real bright.

It is possible he could be both purposefully dishonest and not real bright. Although I don't think he's stupid. His penis art is incredibly deep and expressive, a real talent.
Yes you did you lying sack of shit. Plenty of people saw it and swooped in to ridicule your moldy yellow turds that you grew and you tried to play it off as something hypothetical.

Moldy yellow turds?

I apologize. Somewhere in there is a Wendy's dig. It's just too damn early for me to find it though. Again, my apologies.
are you including rent/ council tax in those numbers or just food, gas/ elec?

As said, that excludes rent and council tax. So i had 50 quid a week for all food, gas, electricity, transport etc. Hard at first, but Hockley adapt your spending and lifestyle habits, because what other choice is there. Modern day choice: get a credit card, buy things you can't afford. Silliness.
yeah, but mommy and daddy probably got tired of listening to you masturbate all day across the hallway.

Uncle buck being mature as usual and chatting shit. I guess you just base your arguments on this basis because otherwise you'd have nothing to say.

But humour me, how have you arrived at the conclusion of me living off 50 a week means I lived at home unemployed masturbating. Surely you made such a statement for a valid reason and not simply because you're a troll.