Club 600


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! quick question 3x3 tent should i use a cooltube only or use an xxl cooltubed hood? the hood is about as big as the tent with about 6inch open space around the edge
You can always add wing reflectors to your cool tube later to help keep the light directed downward.
Any non-flammable sheet of stiff & flat (and lightweight) material painted titanium white (or appliance white) will be an excellent addition to the cooltube.
Make sure to use a paint with a flat finish to avoid hot spots on your plants below.
Could get a couple of pieces of sheet metal or sheet aluminum at a home center or find a pair of broken microwaves and use the sheet metal from those.
Or a big old computer case or two for sheet metal.
Use a $10 set of sheet metal shears (not those little tin snips with the red or green handles) to cut to length & width, add in some appropriate-sized metal hose clamps (Lowes has them in the appliance center alongside all of the washer & dryer hoses & accessories) (6" or 8", depending on the cooltube), or if you have a pop-rivet gun you can go that route, and you can make a nice DIY wing that will allow easy ducting and be lightweight compared to an XXL hood.
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Well-Known Member
Happy birthday doob!

Very nice solventless MO

& nice scrog Dr. AT

Been a long day for me. I really hate house hunting. Spent all day looking at places and nothing really too great. Tomorrow going back out to look. It's so dumb how hard it is to find a rental when you have dogs. I know people with no pets that make more messes than my dogs lol. I ccan't wait to find a place so I can get the grow room up and running again grr

The day did end OK when I found this spot about 5 miles from the town I'm trying to find a house for rent in. :)

Everyone have a good night!



Well-Known Member
Seems i got control of the spidermites. But then i got a new problem :/ Root aphids..
Rushed out and got some hydrogen peroxide watered them lightly but with a strong doze and put up some sticky traps.
Any other ideas are very welcome.. Stupid bugs.. Never had these problems in hydro.. Gotta get one more soil grow in with the shark shock cbd. So these bugs better bug off! IMG_6216.JPG IMG_6218.JPG IMG_6222.JPG IMG_6223.JPG
Just tryna blend in. lol. weak ass ww gonna mold any day..