No stiches. But has a fine bruise with teeth marks on it. He also had to get a tetnus shot.
I mean no offense here but you come on saying how great the dog is and how much you are gonna miss him but it's you who's killing him over a bruise on someone's leg, it's your wife's mistake but the dog has to pay.No stiches. But has a fine bruise with teeth marks on it. He also had to get a tetnus shot.
My guess based on what you've said would be that he could be highly strung and a little over protective of you and the Mrs. My Mother has a sheep dog that will herd people away from her as if they were sheep and she will also give a sneaky nip on the calf if you're not getting the message.I understand what your saying brother and i take no offence.
This is the 3rd time he bit someone. Luckly for me two of the three bites were on my friends who didnt mind when it happened.
When Bruno was 2 months old. He got a kick off a cow. They vet had to fuse his lower spine to his hips. He has always had a funny walk.
Im just wondering is he now in pain. And will become more snappy as time goes by.
As for being a responsible dog owner. Il tell you my friend. Im one of the biggest animal lovers in the world.
Bruno got all his shots on time. Constantly monitored his weight. He is microchipped. Has his own EU dog passport. I trained him to sit/ly down/fetch/close the door etc.
I cant understand why he attacked. Is he in pain ?
I dont know.
so what's everyone tokein on this me some swazi kush ,doesn taste the best,bit earthy,few seeds and twigs in it, nice head stone off it tho,and at less than 5EURO a gram,i think I might of found my new fav smoke...
Hopefully my AK passion (Ak 47 x Amnesia) will be dry the weekend for Fifa launch and I smoke a bit of that while the rest cures....Then the week after some Jack Herer all going well...
Fifa launch is tonite at 12 man
Yeah , but I won't get to play it until the weekend work and life in the way!! Plus I really want to have a bit of it dried and ready to smoke when I fire it on. Been drying since Tuesday afternoon..