Midweek Song
Well-Known Member
hey man its cool.take a breath.not everyone in here is jumping on the "your a liar and a thief "boat.In fact a few of us are stoked to see a seed dist.getn on forum and talking in the first place.I was going with what amgorpvkfjsygfn was sayn and that is to put in an order and see how good you are.everyone deserves a second chance...just not a third if ya dig what im sayn.So you said your deal and im get your info so if I have an issue with ordering or hermies you will be getting a call and if all goes well awesome hell I may call you and thank you.hang in there man.we all have bad days.trust me I just threw a whole batch of bcbud depots ultimate purp in the garbage after they hermied on me...but hey they sending me new stuf so as long as everyone is on the up and up we can all sleep good.
be cool MWS.
Nope totally respect that. If we don't live up to standards let the world know how bad we are! I wouldn't want you guys buying bogus seeds from any company let alone ours.
Looking forward to you calling. Remember to ask for Lewis when you do.
Midweek Song