Has anyone ordered from midweek song?

hey man its cool.take a breath.not everyone in here is jumping on the "your a liar and a thief "boat.In fact a few of us are stoked to see a seed dist.getn on forum and talking in the first place.I was going with what amgorpvkfjsygfn was sayn and that is to put in an order and see how good you are.everyone deserves a second chance...just not a third if ya dig what im sayn.So you said your deal and im get your info so if I have an issue with ordering or hermies you will be getting a call and if all goes well awesome hell I may call you and thank you.hang in there man.we all have bad days.trust me I just threw a whole batch of bcbud depots ultimate purp in the garbage after they hermied on me...but hey they sending me new stuf so as long as everyone is on the up and up we can all sleep good.

be cool MWS.


Nope totally respect that. If we don't live up to standards let the world know how bad we are! I wouldn't want you guys buying bogus seeds from any company let alone ours.

Looking forward to you calling. Remember to ask for Lewis when you do.

Midweek Song
Hi Guys,

In the office now so thought i'd send over the photos. Please can everyone be aware im not trying to sell these or anything I am only proving to people that our GDP are not fakes!

If you want any other photos of anything please let me know and I will get them sent over.

Midweek Song


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Do you have any other strains in stock that are hard to find elsewhere, besides the GDP.

To quote your website:
"You will not find high quality sold cannabis seeds like ours anywhere else in the market. Thanks to our extensive selection of unbelievably high quality marijuana seeds, it’s easy to see why we are head and shoulders above our competitors."

So I'm curious what's in your inventory right now that I wouldn't be able to or would have a hard time finding elsewhere.

Do you have any other strains in stock that are hard to find elsewhere, besides the GDP.

To quote your website:
"You will not find high quality sold cannabis seeds like ours anywhere else in the market. Thanks to our extensive selection of unbelievably high quality marijuana seeds, it’s easy to see why we are head and shoulders above our competitors."

So I'm curious what's in your inventory right now that I wouldn't be able to or would have a hard time finding elsewhere.

Hi BDOGKush,

What others do you want. We have some Bodhi seeds that someone said were hard to get.

That part of the website was written a long time ago and I will be changing tomorrow. I understand a few people have mentioned it in other threads and I get that the seeds you find on our website are likely to be the same as you find else where, but if that part of our website said "You're buying the same seeds you can buy from any other seedbank" we wouldn't be selling ourselves to potential customers very well.

When I am back in the office in the morning i'll rewrite that part of the website as a few people have mentioned it.

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask

Midweek Song
I consider Bad Karma an amigo, and a good guy.

I've looked at MidweekSong's website closely, and see nothing that would indicate anything but a professionally done, consumer friendly site. I'm no web geek, but I figure a user friendly site costs some hefty dinero.

I think MS [Lewis] responses here have been rather classy - essentially 'put us to the test' - which would be very easy to do, since you can order ONE bean. For a moment, I considered getting 2 singles of strains I'm very familiar with, but I just don't need them....and I'm of the opinion Lewis has made a good enough case to get my benefit of the doubt.

@Bad Karma: perhaps what led your suspicions was the post from some bozo on another thread misrepresenting or confusing GDP fems from his regs as purchased fem beans?

I get good vibes. If I needed something, I'd give them a small order.

Hi BDOGKush,

What others do you want. We have some Bodhi seeds that someone said were hard to get.

That part of the website was written a long time ago and I will be changing tomorrow. I understand a few people have mentioned it in other threads and I get that the seeds you find on our website are likely to be the same as you find else where, but if that part of our website said "You're buying the same seeds you can buy from any other seedbank" we wouldn't be selling ourselves to potential customers very well.

When I am back in the office in the morning i'll rewrite that part of the website as a few people have mentioned it.

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask

Midweek Song

I don't have any specific strains in mind. I was just curious if you had any other hard to find/limited supply seeds besides the GDP stuff. Only strains that come to mind right now that I'd like to get seeds of would be Dutch Passion Green Spirit and Female Seeds C99.
I consider Bad Karma an amigo, and a good guy.

I've looked at MidweekSong's website closely, and see nothing that would indicate anything but a professionally done, consumer friendly site. I'm no web geek, but I figure a user friendly site costs some hefty dinero.

I think MS [Lewis] responses here have been rather classy - essentially 'put us to the test' - which would be very easy to do, since you can order ONE bean. For a moment, I considered getting 2 singles of strains I'm very familiar with, but I just don't need them....and I'm of the opinion Lewis has made a good enough case to get my benefit of the doubt.

@Bad Karma: perhaps what led your suspicions was the post from some bozo on another thread misrepresenting or confusing GDP fems from his regs as purchased fem beans?

I get good vibes. If I needed something, I'd give them a small order.


I remember that thread, that guy was adamant that he had feminized GDP which set everyone's BS radar off but a look at their websites shows only regulars and out of stock now. I'll give Midweek the benefit of the doubt on that one.
Okay, so I pointed out MWS had GDP seeds (the strain, not the seed company) when nobody else has had them in stock in over a year. Amazingly, today, GDP (the strain) just went out of stock, as @daybreaker discovered for us. Anybody else see that as an amazing coincidence? I sure do.
I'm sorry, but that clearly illustrates my point, something is fishy at MWS.

@Amos Otis, thanks for the kind words, sir. You know I think highly of you, as well.
Okay, so I pointed out MWS had GDP seeds (the strain, not the seed company) when nobody else has had them in stock in over a year. Amazingly, today, GDP (the strain) just went out of stock, as @daybreaker discovered for us. Anybody else see that as an amazing coincidence? I sure do.
I'm sorry, but that clearly illustrates my point, something is fishy at MWS.

@Amos Otis, thanks for the kind words, sir. You know I think highly of you, as well.

Hi Bad Karma,

We haven't had Original GDP in stock for 3+ weeks but the other 6 Grand Daddy Purples we have in stock now. They haven't gone out of stock today they have been like that for ages.

I'm getting a little bit confused as to where this is going now, but as always if you have any questions feel free to ask.

Cheers Bad Karma

Midweek Song
Sorry I added the Original Grand Daddy Purple part by mistake. We sold out of the Original about 3 weeks ago
Yet you had it listed as available to order within the last 24 hours, now you don't. I'm not trying to argue, I'm only trying to connect the dots you, and your website, present. So far they do not add up.
This was a guy who made an account and with his first post he made a thread to tell us just how amazing your company is, he claimed to have bought Original GDP from you, feminized no less. Maybe you can clear this guys statements up, it's why Bad Karma has a hard time believing you're legit. I also think Bad Karma is a good guy, he's not trolling you.

By the way, we never got pictures from this guy and the Original GDP showed in stock when he was posting about them.

the original gdp seeds i have are feminized and came in a pack of 10,original breeder pack. it says on the package that is the original gdp crossed with pollen found within that same bud. I originally worried i would end up with a hermaphrodite but i picked it at 9 weeks and not a banana was found on it,, i took cuttings that have root now, in about 10 weeks or sooner ill send that pic, maybe 8 weeks into flowering, the leaves are dark green in veg, and darken when put under 12/12, about 2 weeks into flower the hairs are forming and the buds are hairy but not purple yet, at 4 weeks in you can start seeing the purple streaking through the calyx the leaves end up a dark lime,almost evergreen color wile the bud leaves and calyx are definatly purple sometimes almost black.. ill put my money were my mouth is so to speak as soon as the clones are 7-8 weeks in and again after they are trimmed and dry.. I would hope that after i send the pic itll get me some credit with you guys, im new to this whole thing and only started the board because i was very impressed with midweek song and i have never in my life recieved such great customer service..
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Yet you had it listed as available to order within the last 24 hours, now you don't. I'm not trying to argue, I'm only trying to connect the dots you, and your website, present. So far they do not add up.

Sorry but who said we had it listed as available in the last 24 hours?
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Okay I think were the confusion lies is too us GDP = Grand Daddy Purple the brand.

Original GDP = the type of seed, like Bay 11, Bay Dream, Candyland etc.

If you ask @daybreaker did we have Original Grand Daddy Purple in stock yesterday maybe that will clear up the confusion.
Your site did list the Original GDP the strain as being in stock prior to yesterday, then changed to out of stock during this debacle. Similar to Next Generation's Romulan I pm'd you about which your site had as listed but you advised me that you were awaiting stock.
Perhaps just admit that your website sometimes shows inaccurate stock levels and move on?
TGA Plushberry was discontinued about a year ago, and has been sold out for quite a long time everywhere else.... Just saying