

Well-Known Member
They're wild and crazy!! Slow though.. Apparently b pluses will fruit 3 times in the time envies fruit once.. No wonder they're so hard to get

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
adubon society field guide to north american mushrooms..
i know where they grow, on fields with animal shit around, apparently they grow in september but i haven't seen a single one yet. checked two fields and a good few grassy areas. gonna check these spots again a week into October


Well-Known Member
are the farmers ok with you doing this..are they spraying fertilizer,or using saltlicks? the animals must be on a grain diet also..not written in stone,but helps..
i know where they grow, on fields with animal shit around, apparently they grow in september but i haven't seen a single one yet. checked two fields and a good few grassy areas. gonna check these spots again a week into October


Well-Known Member
Potency of a shroom is not dictated through strain but rather through individual shroom you WILL FIND individual shrooms of P. Cubensis that match the potency of other's strain's of P. Cubensis across the board ....Sooo what I am saying is that a Amazon ,Ecq, PES,,,Can all be just as potent as for example any PE albino or not....Which is the reason you can eat 2 seperate 1/8th's of the same shrooms and be blown away by one and be like "Ugh" on the next......As for potency Muscaria wouldn't even make my top 10 list


Well-Known Member
are the farmers ok with you doing this..are they spraying fertilizer,or using saltlicks? the animals must be on a grain diet also..not written in stone,but helps..
Where this cat is at he does not have access to what we call "TRADITIONAL" cubes and LIB'S ...P Semi prefer composting grass mat over poo

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
are the farmers ok with you doing this..are they spraying fertilizer,or using saltlicks? the animals must be on a grain diet also..not written in stone,but helps..
theres no farms nearby, but at this one field there was a big pile of bear shit lol no libs growing around that still. i know a grassy spot out of town where a horse wanders never checked it yet


Well-Known Member
i know where they grow, on fields with animal shit around, apparently they grow in september but i haven't seen a single one yet. checked two fields and a good few grassy areas. gonna check these spots again a week into October
may have to time it. i.e. they may only be up for only an our a day at a certain time etc


Well-Known Member
may have to time it. i.e. they may only be up for only an our a day at a certain time etc
Time what for an hour ?Libs?Nah...Be up for at least 2-3 days b4 they expire...More like timing the environmental condition's...Ie ...Morel's(Yummy) Fruit on the regular around me Black's and yellow's (March,April)...But if you go out and there aint been no rain(RH) and the temp's been to extreme like freezing-to hot,,,or to hot period.....or the vice versa ya get a horrible season...The myc is not going nowhere the environmental trigger's IMO are what ya need to be present to produce fruiting bodie's


Well-Known Member
yea for those, i wouldn't know, you would know. some climates, some species, its like this though… every day for short period then they "disappear"