Killing you softly with this thread....


New Member
CC, once and for all, what are you, Male or female, or a derivitive of one or the other?

Are you a bull dyke

hahahahah @ med

I say female med

I finally figured out the CC, C for cock, and C for Cunt, your a hermaphrodite,

she can cum and go at the same time...........

I Knew it, a real honest to goodness Hermie.

So im guessing youre a pre-op tranny?

What's the preoccupation with my genitalia? Gentleman? (No, I'm not repeating the question, I'm asking if your men, or only boys; but, we all know the answers to these silly questions of gender and status......"

"Killing these libs dead, with thiiiiis threaaaad........."


Well-Known Member
What's the preoccupation with my genitalia? Gentleman? (No, I'm not repeating the question, I'm asking if your men, or only boys; but, we all know the answers to these silly questions of gender and status......"

"Killing these libs dead, with thiiiiis threaaaad........."
What MAN do you know makes a thread singing Lauryn Hill?

Put my vote down for bitch. lmao


New Member
Real men can listen to Diana Ross and make it look good.........little sissies, however, have to listen to "big bad" music, or else they're "gay". What say you little sissy?


New Member
Wow, I didn't think you'd respond to the moniker "little sissy" least your honest about who and what you are.


New Member
I don't see no stinkin crowd; just a few losers and a couple of uninterested parties;........ and me. (whoa, almost slipped)