ended up with 2 plants in 1 pot


Well-Known Member
alright so I put my 2 seeds into 2 pots, one sprouted while the other never did.(I started them both in paper towel). after a week I figured it wasn't going to happen so I started another seed and put it into the same pot as the one that never sprouted. SON OF A B, now both popped up! the same day. so I got 2 tiny sprouts in this 1 pot.

when would be the best time to move one to a new pot? right now or should I wait for the roots to develop more? I really only wanted to grow 2 plants. don't think I have the heart to eliminate one :(
I must admit I never had to do it, but personally I'd say doing it the sooner the better.

While they're still small u can just pick them up with a scoop of earth round each one and drop them in separate pots.

If u wait for the roots to grow then I'd say there's more chance of them becoming entangled & ripping when u transplant.

In my experience little shoots with barely any roots don't really know where the fcuk they are anyway, so u can move them quite easily. I would've said do it before they think they're getting established somewhere theyre about to leave.
If they just popped, I wouldn't move them until they are a little established, if you fuck with them that young and something happens its done. Just do it while they're still in the seedling stage, the first 2 weeks or so.
Though on a separate side thought note, I dunno whether leaving them together for a bit would maybe boost them? Once they start growing then they'll become aware of each other in the soil so maybe it might induce more vigorous growth if they think they got competition??! I dunno how true that is but just thought maybe u might be about to find a cool new technique by leaving them!

Certainly would be a ballache transplanting but u could physically untangle all roots if u were ultra, mega careful!
they are virtually sharing the same hole.

I think im going to transplant tonight. im really not set up for 3 plants so if I lose it, I lose it. ill feel bad but maybe its for the best. except now I don't know which strain they are. cuz they are 2 diff strains. when the first one didn't sprout I figured just the new one would come up.

that's a 'grapefruit' and a 'super lemon haze' getting very familiar with each other
I've done grows with 2 plants per 4 gallon bucket, but then again I put the contenders in opposite sides.
If you've got a good loose soil mix (and if I were you), I'd prep a new pot & dig them both up & separate them now before they establish a "bond".
Done carefully no harm should come to either of them.
thx, ya its a 1 gallon pot so they both gotta come out at some point. ill prep a new pot. it is some nice loose soil. I got the good stuff
I have grown 2 plants in the same pot before. What happened was one of the plants was bigger than the other, but both finished smaller than they normally would.

I would separate the seedlings as soon as possible, before the roots get tangled up in each other. use a cup of water to separate them easier, then bury them deep (up to the first leaves) into their own pots.
Did the deed. Here's the finished result. The one I moved was the worse looking one. The leaves haven't opened yet, seems they are being held shut by part if the shell. I think that's the one that took over a week to sprout out. Notice the big one that I planted the same dayimage.jpg
Did the deed. Here's the finished result. The one I moved was the worse looking one. The leaves haven't opened yet, seems they are being held shut by part if the shell. I think that's the one that took over a week to sprout out. Notice the big one that I planted the same dayView attachment 3263005

Looks good. For slow - to - germ seeds, by the time they sprout, they've already expended much of their stored energy leaving very little for the small cotyledons to pop off the shell so if you'd like to help her along without using your hands (it is a delicate process not unlike separating the roots) you can spray a bit of water on the shell to help it loosen it's "grip." GL :peace: