Why if its only 5wks?
ravaged with spider mites nd thrips mate, like BAD, ud think i had slugs, i missed it and its gone postal
had yorkie and dub round yetserday checking out my spaces and we all came to the ocnclusion i need more space, as i have a psy in 1 tent to itself and its pretty fucked im thinking
1- shot it outside for 5 weeks but im tthinking wer as its psy and stinks, or the second option is just chopping and adding to the 5 bags of trim i got for bubble,, or let it go and hope the mites dont tranfser to my other tent, cross contamination is my worry more than anything and like i say, i could do with the tent and loss in yeild from not taking the psy has gotta be more than wat i gain of leaving the psy another 4-5 weeks
and she was flipped the 15th of augest and looks well behind