I would definitely disagree...
IMHO I believe that 1 plant per tub/bucket is best, it prevents root tangle and makes reservoir changes a bit easier.... As for "not disturbing the bubbles", Do you even know what you're talking about? It is actually surface agitation that adds dissolved oxygen to your water, not air bubbles.... Do you think that those bubbles somehow "pop" under water and replenish the oxygen? And if that is the case, how come none of the streams or rivers I've seen with plants growing out of them have air stones? (I've checked!) Also, I have found that tightly wrapping your reservoir with IR blocker insulation will dramatically stabilize the temperature, used in conjunction with a frozen bottle of water and your temps should be below par!
Stick to soil Doc! Unwashed clay pellets will RAISE YOUR PH and EC! The residue is clay powder, RINSE thoroughly with WATER no soap.
Not to be a downer, but you should really read up a bit more. It seems to me, you're jumping in head first and don't have the slightest clue how to swim....Also, you shouldn't take swimming lessons from someone who can't swim.