whats correct ph for marijuana in soil


Well-Known Member
hi all ,

what's the right PH in coco soil .

I was told a wile back head for PH 5.8 to 5.9 .

what's safe without going under or over .? would in between 5.5 & 6.1 be ok ?.

i run 5.8 from beginning to end. but if you don't know that, you'll prob. have problems...
not any problems mate ,my question states PH 5.8 -5.9 .that's what I have been doing (heading for ) .im just wondering if you can give and take a few points ,lower or bit higher .without any problems ?

cheers heathaa
I've found that anything between 5.5-6.5 going into the coco is generally fine.

Coco buffers a bit anyway.

I used to be really anal about 5.8 going on.

Now I don't really care lol.

I drop test pH now as I'm sick of calibrating my pen.

As long as my drop test comes back near yellow I don't adjust. SERA PH DROPPER TEST.

Always a good idea t get some time in with your Ph tools, practice practice
...to avoid any false or misleading readings,
as that the real issue so many guys have screwed their grows by misreading their tool ...
ive grown fond over the years of a method known as PH cycling, move it up and down during flower, not much just 0.1 at a time and keep it between 6.0-6.5 PH. dont do it every watering, water a couple times at the same PH then u can adjust it on the third, maybe like one per week, as not to shock the plants. small fluctuations in PH will allow better assimilation of different compounds. this is due to the fact that there isnt one set PH where everything is most efficiently used. some things are best available at more acidic levels and some are better available in a more base environment, cycling it ensures it will never go to long without the PH being optimal for any particular element or compound.
Why grow in something that is not natural for a plant to grow in?

What is wrong with soil??? It has what the plant needs right out of the bag! No bottles to buy, not mixing required! Just add water!!

You may ignore me... I have been drinking ma whiskey and well.... Organic is the shit!!! :mrgreen: