Pharmaceuticals anybody?

shoulda of seen the state i was in yesterday, sweating buckets, pupils constricted as fuck. slouched back in my chair talking softly "yeaaah maan its all goood" got nothing on weed i can see why the shits so addictive. never gonna try herion cause i know i'd be stuck wit it forever

diladuad is smooth going up the nose but the drip is terrible
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this whole country is going opiate and heroin crazy. i grew up and as a teen i began making meth because i was really good at chemistry, this was before the shake n bake shit, im talkin real deal. But then bout 8 years ago i got into heroin, it wasnt huge tho cuz pills were the big deal then, now that Oxy is unabusable pretty much, everyone is turning to heroin. Ive been at a methadone clinic for the past few years and its crazy watchin the whole country turn to dope. So many people overdosing, but its like when your in that situation u dont give a fuck, youll do anything to avoid the sickness. Im actually lowering my methadone dose as we speak and i can already feel cravings comin back. Opiates arent a "try it" type drug, its a lifelong commitment.
If you're going to kill yourself with the pharma, why bother with the weed? These pills are killing all my friends and ruining their family's lives.
this whole country is going opiate and heroin crazy. i grew up and as a teen i began making meth because i was really good at chemistry, this was before the shake n bake shit, im talkin real deal. But then bout 8 years ago i got into heroin, it wasnt huge tho cuz pills were the big deal then, now that Oxy is unabusable pretty much, everyone is turning to heroin. Ive been at a methadone clinic for the past few years and its crazy watchin the whole country turn to dope. So many people overdosing, but its like when your in that situation u dont give a fuck, youll do anything to avoid the sickness. Im actually lowering my methadone dose as we speak and i can already feel cravings comin back. Opiates arent a "try it" type drug, its a lifelong commitment.

yeah i woke up after doing diladuad the other day wanting another another bump really really bad, i snorted meth once when i was drunk cause i thought it was coke but realized of a sudden that something was wrong when i felt the need to clean the dirt off my lawn at like 4 in the morning. i'm never gonna touch that shit again and im never gonna do herion cause like i said i know i wouldn't be able to do it once or twice and leave it. but shit, opiates give you hell of a ass kicking punch, powerful stuff i now know why ppl refer to weed as a soft drug.

If you're going to kill yourself with the pharma, why bother with the weed? These pills are killing all my friends and ruining their family's lives.

thats why i'll only ever do it on occasion, weed and drinkin is good enough
Heroin has better legs but I prefer the buzz of Dilaudid and it is stronger. But the opiates are best treated with the utmost of caution.

yeah man its really easy to o.d since you get dilaudid in small 2 mg or 4 mg pills ppl think you need 3 or 4 to get high, i snorted 4 mg and had to lie down for a bit cause it hit me too hard. then again i was smoking good weed too
i haven't had any pharms for a while though.Wish i could make connections with someone that could do some deals.
Why tho? Why snort a pill manmade of harmful chemicals? So you could nod out and become a living zombie? Is life really that bad that u must resort to that? A bunch of my good friends were into xanax and oc's, now theyre in jail, rehab or 100% sober, pills fuck ur life up man, very very very few people have the self control and ability to try it once then never again, nevertheless quit after becoming addicted. Pills just never made sense to me. Also if u ever get hurt, now u have nothing to handle the pain cuz u abused painkillers. Or if ur high and in public, your just putting urself in a bad situation and its only a matter of time.
If i have a bad day, or a long rough day at work, i go home, roll up a fatty of some primo throw on some tunes and my day instantly becomes 100x better, i guess everybodies different tho.