Chelsea popped!


Well-Known Member
It's right here in black and white.

Congress continues to pass individual spending bills to restore funding for government services like military and veterans assistance, FEMA, nutrition assistance, life-saving cancer trials, keeping our parks and museums open and pay for our troops.

All received bipartisan support in the House, but only the military pay bill has been adopted by the Senate and signed into law by the President.

President Obama continues his refusal to compromise or negotiate with Speaker Boehner on the debt-limit. Mr. Obama's position is untenable and defies history. Presidents from both political parties dating back to the Eisenhower administration have negotiated these issues with Congress.
your uncited, unattributed copy and paste is clearly referring to the government shutdown, not the debt limit debate in which the intransigent GOP earned us a credit downgrade because of their planned parenthood boner.


But this is the same Congress that has spent most of the past few weeks bickering about Planned Parenthood, trying to defund the health care law, and not raising the debt ceiling. Again, S&P is saying that the problem is one of political will, rather than budgetary reality—and it is right about that.


Well-Known Member
your uncited, unattributed copy and paste is clearly referring to the government shutdown, not the debt limit debate in which the intransigent GOP earned us a credit downgrade because of their planned parenthood boner.


But this is the same Congress that has spent most of the past few weeks bickering about Planned Parenthood, trying to defund the health care law, and not raising the debt ceiling. Again, S&P is saying that the problem is one of political will, rather than budgetary reality—and it is right about that.
Slate Magazine:lol:

Here ya go, straight from Slate.
What a fucin joke.

Today, Slate'sstaff and contributors reveal how they're voting in next week's presidential election. This continues a tradition we began in 2000 and repeated in 2004. It will come as little surprise to many of our readers—and certainly as no surprise to Sarah "Media Elite" Palin—that Barack Obama won Slate in a landslide. In capturing 55 of our 57 votes, with 1 to McCain and 1 to Libertarian Bob Barr, Obama won an even bigger Slate majority than Al Gore in 2000 (29 of 37 votes) or John Kerry in 2004 (46 of 52 votes). Incidentally, this is a voluntary project: Our staff and contributors can reveal how they voted, but they are not required to.


Well-Known Member
Slate Magazine:lol:

Here ya go, straight from Slate.
What a fucin joke.

Today, Slate'sstaff and contributors reveal how they're voting in next week's presidential election. This continues a tradition we began in 2000 and repeated in 2004. It will come as little surprise to many of our readers—and certainly as no surprise to Sarah "Media Elite" Palin—that Barack Obama won Slate in a landslide. In capturing 55 of our 57 votes, with 1 to McCain and 1 to Libertarian Bob Barr, Obama won an even bigger Slate majority than Al Gore in 2000 (29 of 37 votes) or John Kerry in 2004 (46 of 52 votes). Incidentally, this is a voluntary project: Our staff and contributors can reveal how they voted, but they are not required to.
would you prefer something more up your alley, washere?

The Friday deal included $38.5 billion in spending cuts while leaving the more contentious policy matters, such as blocking funding for Planned Parenthood, for a later debate.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Awe, proof the democrats would not compromise on planned parenthood funding.
What a dipshit you are.
so much for going after the source then.

those ice caps still growing, washere?

and what does planned parenthood have to do with the debt ceiling?