New Wisconsin voter ID Law

do you honestly believe that only those that "you can think of" count or exist?


Wait a minute. Why did this graphic suddenly change? Your previous posts also show this graphic now.

again, i concede that you are right. you won't need an ID to vote under voter ID laws. that's the whole point!

So then you are against some minor security when it comes to showing up in person to vote? I don't understand.

so you personally knew all of those millions and tens of millions of people in each group?

that's impressive, even for the internet!

You'd think I'd have met at least one, wouldn't ya? I know, I think it's pretty strange too. Who ARREE these people??!

and if one thing is clear, it is only what YOU THINK that matters, and not what facts and evidence show.

Like the evidence that nobody here can say that 1/10 people they know can't come up with some form of ID?
Also, let me remind you that these graphics are referencing govt issued photo ID. Every State with voter ID laws have multiple methods for somebody to prove who they are.
Wait a minute. Why did this graphic suddenly change?

it didn't, you just live in an alternate reality.

So then you are against some minor security when it comes to showing up in person to vote? I don't understand.

i know, it's weird, isn't it? why don't i just trust what you're saying and realize that voters won't need some sort of ID to vote under voter ID laws?

fucking perplexing stuff.

You'd think I'd have met at least one, wouldn't ya?

i guess if you've met one, you've met them all. nothing outside of the people you know personally matter, hence the personal anecdote which has become true by the simple act of you repeating it.

magic in the air.
if obama has never compromised with congress, then why are there hundreds of republican amendments in the PPACA and why was half the ARRA tax cuts?

and what does planned parenthood have to do with the debt ceiling, washere?
your uncited, unattributed copy and paste is clearly referring to the government shutdown, not the debt limit debate in which the intransigent GOP earned us a credit downgrade because of their planned parenthood boner.


Your a gift that just keeps on giving UncleBuck.
I'll bet you drink every day to sustain your beer goggles, that bbw of yours looks size 10.:lol:
Your a gift that just keeps on giving UncleBuck.
I'll bet you drink every day to sustain your beer goggles, that bbw of yours looks size 10.:lol:

in classic washere style, you quote two posts with no explanation and no apparent contradiction and expect that everyone shares in the same delusions you do.

what exactly are those two quotes supposed to show?
it didn't, you just live in an alternate reality.

All of what I said referencing '5 categories' was with this graphic in mind.

i know, it's weird, isn't it? why don't i just trust what you're saying and realize that voters won't need some sort of ID to vote under voter ID laws?

fucking perplexing stuff.
What sort of dance are you doing now? Voters appearing in person don't need govt issued IDs. There is more than one way to prove who you are. Things such as utility bills or statements. I know, hard to grasp that they actually accept more than 1 form of ID because it doesn't fit your narrative.

i guess if you've met one, you've met them all. nothing outside of the people you know personally matter, hence the personal anecdote which has become true by the simple act of you repeating it.

magic in the air.

Where did I say that people I haven't met don't matter you little fucking weasel? Don't try and play these stupid games with me again or I'll go back to calling you names with every paragraph. I know how you much prefer to trade insults rather than actually have discussion on matters. I got some gatorade..

Once again, I'll ask for your experience in hopes of gaining more perspective (as well as anybody else reading this). According to your red/black graphic, 11% of adults don't have photo ID. Is this true for your family/friends? 1 in 10? Or does your voice not count?

Yes, I question shit if it doesn't make sense to me, just like rational people should. If that is a problem for you, then I dunno what to say. Keep on with the Lord's work. ?
These 2 graphics don't even agree with each other.

One says 25% of blacks who make under 35K/year don't have gov issued ID
The other says 25% of all blacks don't have photo ID.

Same exact discrepancy with Latinos and Asians.
These 2 graphics don't even agree with each other.

One says 25% of blacks who make under 35K/year don't have gov issued ID
The other says 25% of all blacks don't have photo ID.

Same exact discrepancy with Latinos and Asians.

you're just an idiot who does not know how to read a simple chart.
good job on doing another lap of "voters won't need ID under voter ID".

good job on doing another lap of "only personal anecdotes matter".

want some gatorade?

So no dispute what-so-ever to what I've said?

Re: personal anecdotes,
How do you think these stats are collected? Fiction writers? I take it to mean, then, that everyone you know has a photo ID. If I started a poll asking how many people here have a photo ID, you seriously believe that 11% would say no?

Why did you even bother to post?
Sorry, but you can in fact get a birth certificate without a picture ID.

In Wisconsin specifically:

ONE of the following:
Wisconsin driver's license
Wisconsin ID card
Out-of-state driver's license/ID card

ORTWO of the following:
U.S. government-issued photo ID
Checkbook/bank statement
Health insurance card
Current, dated, signed lease
Utility bill or traffic ticket
Paycheck or earnings statement

I think it's interesting that a passport and US govt ID aren't good enough by themselves.

As far as the wait goes.. well.. Too bad. It isn't like they hold elections at random.
I was born in Chicago

    1. Write us
    • Mail your request to:
      Cook County Clerk David Orr
      Bureau of Vital Records
      P.O. Box 641070
      Chicago, IL 60664-1070
      • Include the following items:
        • a completed Birth Certificate Request Form*
        • a photocopy of your photo identification
        • a check or money order payable to the Cook County Clerk for $15 (additional copies of the same record cost $4 each)
        • a self-addressed stamped envelope
        • Note: Be sure to include your phone number with your mail request.
Sorry, but you can in fact get a birth certificate without a picture ID.

In Wisconsin specifically:

ONE of the following:
Wisconsin driver's license
Wisconsin ID card
Out-of-state driver's license/ID card

ORTWO of the following:
U.S. government-issued photo ID
Checkbook/bank statement
Health insurance card
Current, dated, signed lease
Utility bill or traffic ticket
Paycheck or earnings statement

I think it's interesting that a passport and US govt ID aren't good enough by themselves.

As far as the wait goes.. well.. Too bad. It isn't like they hold elections at random.

Now My grandmother was born in Texas.
her birth certificate lists her as a boy
Her drivers license doesnt include a picture and expired in 1974
I was born in Chicago

    1. Write us
    • Mail your request to:
      Cook County Clerk David Orr
      Bureau of Vital Records
      P.O. Box 641070
      Chicago, IL 60664-1070
      • Include the following items:
        • a completed Birth Certificate Request Form*
        • a photocopy of your photo identification
        • a check or money order payable to the Cook County Clerk for $15 (additional copies of the same record cost $4 each)
        • a self-addressed stamped envelope
        • Note: Be sure to include your phone number with your mail request.

I love to visit Chicago. The Field Museum and your Auditorium there are top notch!

According to Illinois Dept of Public Health, concerning birth, death, and other records, I found this:

A valid government issued photo identification (ID) includes a driver’s license, a state issued photo ID or a passport. If your driver’s license has an extension sticker on the back, submit copy of both sides. If expiration is no more than six months old, ONE additional document showing your name and your current address will be needed.

If the expiration date is more than six month old or you do not have a valid photo ID, you will needTWO pieces of documentation with your name, one of which must show your current address, to prove your identity. ONE piece of documentation can be a bill (electricity, cellular phone, water) or other mail. The OTHER piece of documentation must be one of the following items:

  • Medical/car insurance card
  • Car registration paperwork
  • Credit card statement
  • Bank statement
  • Paycheck stub with imprinted information
  • Public assistance card
  • Voter’s registration card
  • Active duty military ID with issued and expiration dates
  • EBT Link Card (Illinois Electronic Benefit Transfer)
Now My grandmother was born in Texas.
her birth certificate lists her as a boy
Her drivers license doesnt include a picture and expired in 1974

Seniors can have a more difficult time when it comes to using certain documents, especially an old school birth certificate. Between misspellings and contrary info, they are quite a bit more sloppy than they are today. But, I can do the same thing I did with Illinois and get a similar result.
I'm not sure why all of this is so damned complex.

When I was born the hospital issued a birth certificate to my parents.
When I was 18 I registered for the draft and the right to vote was included.

I could have voted/registered for either party though Reagan was pres and things were great.

Why are democratic voters so far behind and alway need an excuse for everything?
you're right, they ask you for your personal anecdotes rather than conducting scientific polling.

good point again.

So if somebody conducting a poll asks me a question, I'm supposed to use a fictional experience as opposed to my own in order to answer them?

That's your point?
So if somebody conducting a poll asks me a question, I'm supposed to use a fictional experience as opposed to my own in order to answer them?

That's your point?

i bet they only call the people you know personally to conduct their polling.