survey; has anyone had an auto take longer then 18-25 days to preflower


Well-Known Member
there seems to be some kind of debate.. ripster says "If your auto hasn't started pre-flowering in 18 to 25 days from sprout, then there probably photo's. Auto's always pre flower in the time frame".... i say bullshit.. i've had autos take longer.. so what is your experience??? have your autos ever taken longer??? if it took longer way it then a photo???

i should say for full disclosure that ripster is a world famous autoflower breeder (atleast that's what he says). and i'm just a guy who grows autos
Im doing my first auto at the moment and it showed its first pre flower around days 29-30.
But I also germed mine in a paper towel cos its an outside auto not indoors.
Autos don't "Pre-Flower" they can't ..
no offense but that is the stupidest shit ive ever heard ........
Do you even know what a preflower is ? Do you know where they are located ?
Do some research and get back to me before you answer so you dont sound like a complete dumbass ............
so the 75% photo / 25% auto doesnt have the " gene code " to preflower please explain
and use small words so the rest of us can understand your logic
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no offense but that is the stupidest shit ive ever heard ........
Do you even know what a preflower is ? Do you know where they are located ?
Do some research and get back to me before you answer so you dont sound like a complete dumbass ............
so the 75% photo / 25% auto doesnt have the " gene code " to preflower please explain
and use small words so the rest of us can understand your logic
no offense but that is the stupidest shit ive ever heard ........
Do you even know what a preflower is ? Do you know where they are located ?
Do some research and get back to me before you answer so you dont sound like a complete dumbass ............
so the 75% photo / 25% auto doesnt have the " gene code " to preflower please explain
and use small words so the rest of us can understand your logic


back up your shitty comment ......
explain how autoflower's dont have preflowers ........
you know the little flowers next to the branches on the main stem that never turn into bud's .........
those are known as preflowers .....

please explain more ..........
back up your shitty comment ......
explain how autoflower's dont have preflowers ........
you know the little flowers next to the branches on the main stem that never turn into bud's .........
those are known as preflowers .....

please explain more ..........

Maybe i should look for that info in your blog O.o

nope just some shitty OLD web pics and out dated info that doesnt even apply to the strains now ...............

like i said please explain auto master .............
download (5).jpg
Vostok has spoken " preflower stretch" on a auto is now known as a " before flower " stretch since auto's are not genetically coded to preflower
ekdc911 honestly its strain dependent ...... i was topping long before I was told i shouldnt , but i was also doing due to height restrictions .... its your call , honestly now all i do is LST them and let them do their thing ..... but have topped many auto's some respond well others not so much
5 minutes ago

LOLOL...Don't but bust a hernia my my account troll!
ekdc911 honestly its strain dependent ...... i was topping long before I was told i shouldnt , but i was also doing due to height restrictions .... its your call , honestly now all i do is LST them and let them do their thing ..... but have topped many auto's some respond well others not so much
5 minutes ago

LOLOL...Don't but bust a hernia my my account troll!

there you go bro helping you out ........ buy one of those then you can get your evidence you need to support your claim about " genetic code "
and that is a quote from my profile ....... so who's the troll ......

shouldnt you be in your laboratory doing tests or some shit ......... I'm gonna go take a booboo think of something smart to say before i come back .........

since your on my profile maybe you should browse around ........ and as you will notice there is not a single web pic on there ....... I have no need to make a blog with other peoples work / pics .........
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ok... just so we are all on the same page (so my survey is scientific and shit).. originally i had put "showed sex" however i changed i when i reread his post where he said pre-flower and i've had autos show sex and still not pre-flower for another cpl wks......

so it goes like this... Veg (from sprout till the split second it shows sex)... sexed (the day he/she tells you what sex they are)... pre-flower (when your plant starts celebrating w/pom poms [if you don't know what pom poms are you are probably missing pre-flower] ) when you have all the hairs but no flowers or bud formation yet... i still stand behind my original post that it can take longer then 18-25 days for an auto to even show sex.... but i had to switch it to pre-flower just to show how ridiculous his claim actually was ("If your auto hasn't started pre-flowering in 18 to 25 days from sprout, then there probably photo's. Auto's always pre flower in the time frame".... ) again this guy (ripster) claims to be a world famous autoflower breeder (i call bullshit on this just like i called bullshit on his statement) he did a lot of name dropping... but like i said to him; i don't care if you shook stitches hand once or sucked his dick a hundred times, that doesn't mean you know what the fuck you're talking about (which you can see from his statement he doesn't know what the fuck he is talking about)

so help a brother out... let me know if your autos ever took longer then 18-25 days to pre-flower.... also if every auto you've ever grown has shown pre-flower before the 18-25 day mark.. leave a message.. i don't need to only hear from ppl who agree w/me (even though i know i'm right)