HELP.... leaves wilting and I dont know why!!


Active Member
our Plants Are About A Month And A Half Old Now We Have Them Under 2 Florecent Growing Lights. We Water Them Every 3-4 Days When They Need It, And Spray Them Every Night After The Lights Go Out. We Have Them On An 18 Hour Light Cycle With A Timer. They Were Doing Great Untill A Few Days Ago After A Few Needed To Be Transplanted. Not All Of Them Were Transplanted, But All Of Them Are Begining To Wilt. I Have Pictures Attacted, Any Advice Would Be Great. Thanks



Well-Known Member
dude if that is a month old i would stop, you are wasting your time. A month into the grow and your plants should look like a little bush. something is wrong with either your seeds that you planted, the soil, nuts, or the lighting. also you don't want to grow more than one plant in the same pot. hey if you want good grow tips and a good setup idea look up growing on youtube.


Well-Known Member
For their age they don't look too good..I suggest you do some reading up on growing. The first rule is one plant per pot..And you need a good light source..


Active Member
whats good i got a plant and its a week into flowering i got it on 12/12 on and off but everytime i turn the light off the plant start to wilt any ideas on how to stop that


Active Member
my leafs only few but the ones that are wilting look darker than normal and scrunched up kinda why would be causing this


Well-Known Member
you have many things wrong here, very wrong. 1 plant per pot, lower the lights and get more, get a fan on them those stems are sad, and bury those stems instead of tying them up. You tie up stems that small one little wisp is gonna pinch them and woops theres a dead plant. God they just look miserable. You should really start over and read around on here before trying again. RIU best grow bible on the net.

oh god just noticed the 2007....


Well-Known Member
You need better dirt, and 25% perlite. at 6 weeks you should have 3-4 foot plants. what light do you use? One of those plants looks burnt. What kind of soil is it?


2010 now and I have wilting leaves on 2 of my 12 plants....LOTS of reading and research brough me here and to the conclusion I am overwatering, so even if this is from still helped me lol....
you have many things wrong here, very wrong. 1 plant per pot, lower the lights and get more, get a fan on them those stems are sad, and bury those stems instead of tying them up. You tie up stems that small one little wisp is gonna pinch them and woops theres a dead plant. God they just look miserable. You should really start over and read around on here before trying again. RIU best grow bible on the net.

oh god just noticed the 2007....
to much dark, too young... try 16 - 8 Light To dark, thats what I do with my clones using straight un-chlorinated water. After a month there little shrub bushes