Cheers. Exif sounds good, have it downloaded...posted a few pics without it before, be grand!! Ghostdogalpha reckons they might be fruitflies either...hope whatever they are, they don't banjax me...just flippedvthe lights today, they're looking tidy so far I think...long may it continue. This growing Craic is addictive!!Nah man only a few bugs to worry about (maybe a few more since ur in a shed lol) I too called all flies midges but tiny black flying dots are usually gnats. exif is metadata (data about data) for example when you take a picture with ur phone or camera it stores some information on the picture about the picture such as camera/phone model,date time n the one we worry about YOUR GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION.. Ie where u are lol so we want to delete this before we post pics. A simple Google query of something along the lines " top ten best exif erasers" will point u towards the best one...they're all mostly free btw...don't go paying for one.