New Wisconsin voter ID Law

I dont care if people are too lazy/dont care enough to have/get an id. I want to know my vote counts and its not cancelled by someone voting in person, on line, and with an absente ballot or multiples of each. I dont want some liberal voting with their dead relative like last election and i dont want someone whos not american voting in an american election. Its common sense and anyone who cant see it is truely stupid or dishonest. College students and black people are also very smart and capable regardless if liberals think theyre lazy and dumb or not
If we get pulled over, the police have little problem ID us even if we have no ID on us. They can ask a few person questions, like your birth date and SS number and pull your picture on up anywhere in the country--maybe even anywhere in the world.

Yet when it comes to casting your vote, oh, we gotta go to this certain little voting station and prove who we are--maybe have to stand in line also for hours..and you don't have all day to vote, nope, most places close at 7--9 pm, not midnight and they don't open until 7--9 am.

Why don't we have a full day or maybe 2 days to vote...some countries have their votes on a weekend so more people will vote.

In the USA, we try to get LESS people to vote
If we get pulled over, the police have little problem ID us even if we have no ID on us. They can ask a few person questions, like your birth date and SS number and pull your picture on up anywhere in the country--maybe even anywhere in the world.

Yet when it comes to casting your vote, oh, we gotta go to this certain little voting station and prove who we are--maybe have to stand in line also for hours..and you don't have all day to vote, nope, most places close at 7--9 pm, not midnight and they don't open until 7--9 am.

Why don't we have a full day or maybe 2 days to vote...some countries have their votes on a weekend so more people will vote.

In the USA, we try to get LESS people to vote
Anyone who wants to vote can and always will. Sometime less voters is good, ya know? Like LESS multiple votes, less illegals votes. How do you people make it through life?
Anyone who wants to vote can and always will. Sometime less voters is good, ya know? Like LESS multiple votes, less illegals votes. How do you people make it through life?
Under the new rules.
My grandmother wouldnt of been able to vote becuase her Birth certificate is in Texas and lists her as a boy
I dont know what reincarnation of whatever banned member you are but you made the list along with your other sock puppets
Under the new rules.
My grandmother wouldnt of been able to vote becuase her Birth certificate is in Texas and lists her as a boy
I dont know what reincarnation of whatever banned member you are but you made the list along with your other sock puppets

According to Wisconsin's requirements for proof of identity, what they are looking to prove is name and date of birth. If your grandmothers name is spelled correctly and the dob matches, it will likely be accepted.

Having the sex be wrong doesn't appear to be of any concern. Probably because nobody likes to question such things these days. She lucked out with having the typo be where it currently is.
It amazes me how liberals fail to see their "the poor black people can't do it without our help" is as racist as it gets.

it amazes me how the righties keep expressing that thought and attributing it to the liberals.

the only time i have even addressed that bit of projectionist racism on your behalf (and the behalf of everyone else who expressed that thought), i supposed that a full 90% would go out and get an ID.

however, if only 10% didn't bother, that would flip north carolina to the other party.

which is basically the entire point of voter ID since elections are already 99.9998849% perfect.
Yeah, of the 180,000 Wisconsin college students, nearly 20% of those are out out staters = nearly 36,000 people, of which statistically 17% will vote, that means that nearly 6,120 people who are out of state who might vote. Of those 6,120 people, statistically 25% will be black, so now you have 1,530 voting black persons, of which according to your post 10% of them do not hold an ID and will need your help in getting one, seeing as they are in college and do not have access to a computer, printer etc etc and whatnot.
So that gives you a grand total of 153 people that don't have the ID.

Not really a "very large population"

you suck at math and are using bogus numbers, likely as compensation for your tiny, tiny penis.

there are approximately 2 million black people in north carolina. about 25% will not have ID, so half a million.

let's say 150,000 of them are of voting age and will vote (conservative estimate).

if only 10% of them do not end up getting an ID, that is 15,000 lost votes. obama won the state by less than that margin in 2008.

that doesn't even take into account hispanics, asians, college students, 18-24 year olds, and those making under $35k, who all lean heavily democratic.
Anyone who wants to vote can and always will. Sometime less voters is good, ya know? Like LESS multiple votes, less illegals votes. How do you people make it through life?

less votes are good for republicans. low turnout elections favor republicans.

the vote is already 99.9998849% perfect. that is how little fraud there is.

you have a small penis and come off as really, really dumb.
According to Wisconsin's requirements for proof of identity, what they are looking to prove is name and date of birth. If your grandmothers name is spelled correctly and the dob matches, it will likely be accepted.

Having the sex be wrong doesn't appear to be of any concern. Probably because nobody likes to question such things these days. She lucked out with having the typo be where it currently is.

if there is anything you have demonstrated in this thread, it is that we can trust what you have to say implicitly.

you are a great source of reliable information, princess.
If your an adult there is no excuse not to have an id... you cant get a id but you know whos good for your state or this country? That makes perfect sense...The main thing is one vote per person and us citizens only. Theres plenty of time before elections to get one and they can be aquired free
less votes are good for republicans. low turnout elections favor republicans.

the vote is already 99.9998849% perfect. that is how little fraud there is.

you have a small penis and come off as really, really dumb.
i might be dumb but im smart enough to get an id pal haha im also smart enough to want security in the election system. What is there like 50 million illegals in the usa? Hmmm i wonder who they will vote for????
When i vote i show them my my id thats all. Not sure when i registered to vote how deep they looked in to it. How do these states work? Do you just show up and they take your word for who you are?
No ID required at polling place: California, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming do not require ID to vote.
if there is anything you have demonstrated in this thread, it is that we can trust what you have to say implicitly.

you are a great source of reliable information, princess.

Oh, so you think they should start questioning sexuality? Because that's exactly what they would have to do in this case. Interesting, "princess".
you suck at math and are using bogus numbers, likely as compensation for your tiny, tiny penis.

there are approximately 2 million black people in north carolina. about 25% will not have ID, so half a million.

let's say 150,000 of them are of voting age and will vote (conservative estimate).

if only 10% of them do not end up getting an ID, that is 15,000 lost votes. obama won the state by less than that margin in 2008.

that doesn't even take into account hispanics, asians, college students, 18-24 year olds, and those making under $35k, who all lean heavily democratic.
Under the new rules.
My grandmother wouldnt of been able to vote becuase her Birth certificate is in Texas and lists her as a boy
I dont know what reincarnation of whatever banned member you are but you made the list along with your other sock puppets
Oh, here we go with your grandma, again. How old is she? How many years has she had to get it changed?

Nevermind, I remember enough...