aboutHow to get to the GrowFAQ
Open rollitup.org
Click on GrowFAQ which is situated in the top left side of your screen.
Browse the GrowFAQ.
Ok that link took me to a page that did not recognize me and wanted me to sign in again. I don't remember my password so I fraked it off. Also clicking on upload file does not help me. I keep getting message that my file does not have allowed extension, which I have stated over and over and over, and over. Just sayn. I really don't like the new site much. I hope I can get shit done in 20 minutes like before all this mess started if not I don't have much time to waste any more. I really liked the site, but the time issue is just too crazy, and getting help that does not pertain to my issue or help in any way just makes it worse. So again WTF this new version of the site is not working. Also there is no thumbnail option on my end either. I see about nothing but a white page with next to nothing, but being able to type in a box, and the more options has one option. The old site was leap years ahead of this junk. This is going backwards in technology, it is not user friendly on any level, and I don't use twitter or facebook so making it like them or interface with them was like saying we are going to let anyone spy on you while you are here.hi desertdog this is an old old thread from 2008 which is why its not helping you http://rollitup.org/t/how-to-use-the-riu-faq.822686/
that link there should help you out
Ok that link took me to a page that did not recognize me and wanted me to sign in again. I don't remember my password so I fraked it off. Also clicking on upload file does not help me. I keep getting message that my file does not have allowed extension, which I have stated over and over and over, and over. Just sayn. I really don't like the new site much. I hope I can get shit done in 20 minutes like before all this mess started if not I don't have much time to waste any more. I really liked the site, but the time issue is just too crazy, and getting help that does not pertain to my issue or help in any way just makes it worse. So again WTF this new version of the site is not working. Also there is no thumbnail option on my end either. I see about nothing but a white page with next to nothing, but being able to type in a box, and the more options has one option. The old site was leap years ahead of this junk. This is going backwards in technology, it is not user friendly on any level, and I don't use twitter or facebook so making it like them or interface with them was like saying we are going to let anyone spy on you while you are here.
Its actually called, "Foxtailling" , u will find more Info or help if u google or youtube that rather than crowning.thanks for quick reply,
Its my first grow so I dont really know what crowning is, but just for the info, they havent really changed in size last couple of weeks.
also this is bagseeds so im really happy how the buds turned out
Is it possible le to get somewhere on here to add my pictures from my phone I don't have a computer.How to get to the GrowFAQ
Open rollitup.org
Click on GrowFAQ which is situated in the top left side of your screen.
Browse the GrowFAQ.
youre too new of amember youll get it eventuallyhi I'm kinda new around these parts, why can't I like posts or send messages?
Okay, thanks!youre too new of amember youll get it eventually