The politics of your newly accquired ebola

Farrakhan agrees with most progs on RIU, ebola is a racist plot against the black man:

Another method is disease infection through bio-weapons such as Ebola and AIDS, which are race targeting weapons. There is a weapon that can be put in a room where there are Black and White people, and it will kill only the Black and spare the White, because it is a genotype weapon that is designed for your genes, for your race, for your kind.

There are policy papers with guys like Rumsfeld & Cheney's names on them which support the development of race specific weapons. Just saying.
ebola the facts:

  • blood and secretion transmitted
  • average person touches objects 3x/hour
  • average person touches their face 4x/hour
moral of the story stoners, try not to touch your face (or anything on it) between hand washings and certainly don't ass fuck anyone with it.:wink:

i was wondering how long it would take for some sick person to mosey right into the US past all security looking for shoe bombs.

remember ground zero for HIV? the canadian flight attendant?

you may want to pick up one of these people (and i'm NOT joking):

and WTF is it with texas? anytime you go to a hospital the FIRST thing they do in ER is triage with BP and temp, minimally.

they ASK have you been out of the country..

thanks rick fucking asshole need a new pair of glasses girlfriend:finger:
and WTF is it with texas? anytime you go to a hospital the FIRST thing they do in ER is triage with BP and temp, minimally.

they ASK have you been out of the country..

thanks rick fucking asshole need a new pair of glasses girlfriend:finger:

Well the guy didn't get a vagina probe ultrasound, either, even though he may have possibly wanted an abortion, also.
has anyone seen CONTAGION?..that's pretty much what it's like at the CDC and yes, you may NOT want to believe everything they say:wink:
and WTF is it with texas? anytime you go to a hospital the FIRST thing they do in ER is triage with BP and temp, minimally.

they ASK have you been out of the country..

thanks rick fucking asshole need a new pair of glasses girlfriend:finger:

I've been to the hospitals in Dallas many times and always get asked those questions.

And as much as I dislike Perry, he had nothing to do with the idiots at the hospital not doing their job.
I've been to the hospitals in Dallas many times and always get asked those questions.

And as much as I dislike Perry, he had nothing to do with the idiots at the hospital not doing their job.

yeah, now they're saying it was a software flaw that sent that guy home.

talk about NOT taking accountability.

you might want to pick up a respirator before the medical supply companies start to gauge.

ahhhhhhhhhhh, american capitalism in it's PUREST form!

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I already own multiple due to my line of work. I also have plenty of p100's with VOC filter attached(that's the badass filter. It'll keep the Ebola out and you won't smell the puke.)

I live within 20 miles of where this is happening in Dallas. Not worried.


EDIT: try safety supply stores for construction if medical supply places are out. That is where I get mine. Also, you need a fit test to make sure it fits properly on you. Without one, it's pretty much useless. I get one done every 6 months.