Club 600


Well-Known Member
Doobie Brother, I am jealous of your new bike. It looks super nice and the 300's are definitely quick and light. There a few modded ones near me that I see all the time and they sound great.

It's a little badass :-)
It's not the fastest thing on two wheels but, for it's size, it does great!
Going for a ride today and will have the helmet cam on.

I checked the video footage of the trip home from the cycle dealer, but only audio got recorded.
I'd flashed the firmware just before going to pick up the bike, and it was for a newer version of the camera, so no video got recorded.
Flashed the bios back to the previous version, so it should be okay.
Anyways, the bike is very liberating, and fun to drive.


Well-Known Member
Happy birthday SG!
Thats great news oldman. Hope all turns out good.
Made lemon cookies today :) Yummi. The dogs were begging like there was no tomorrow so i gave em a small piece each. My boy is now woobly on his feet with small eyes wanting to play ;) Happy sativa high from lemon taken a little early ;)
Forgot my camera as i was out tending to the greenhouse girls. Bummer. But i got a little video from my cell. Ill try to get it up. They are just rocking! If half survives the high humidity period we are in ill be more than happy..
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Well-Known Member
Now that I have a minute; First I thank all the 6'ers for your good vibes.
She had 2 lumps removed along with her axial lymph nodes on her chest wall
under her left arm it was really scary for a few weeks, nobody wants to hear that
they have a mass that needs surgery.
The waiting and not being able to help or do anything drives me crazy I want
something to fight, not sit and wait! I hope no one else I know has to go through
anything like this.
We've been together for 41 years now and I'm looking forward to many more.
Again, we thank all of you.